Conferences Attended


10-14 December. Regulating maritime occupational health and safety in the Canadian Arctic Gateway, the ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, (Shan, D. ) 

28 November. WSMSE Research Seminar Series. A talk by Anne Longmuir presenting her findings on the Relationship between Seafaring and Wellbeing of Cadet-Officers and Experienced Officers, Solent University, (Baum-Talmor, P.)

23 November. ISWAN seminar ‘Improving the wellbeing of seafarers: Working in partnership, seeking practical solutions’, hosted by ISWAN and the Finnish Seamen’s Service, Helsinki, Finland, (Baum-Talmor, P.)

30-31 August. Session 3: Occupational Health and Safety Issues in Workshop on Contemporary and Emerging Challenges of Shipping in the Northwest Atlantic and Easter Arctic, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, (Shan, D.)

15-21 July. Mapping the Occupational Health and Safety Challenges Arising from Employment-Related Geographical Mobility (E-RGM) Among Canadian Seafarers on the Great Lakes and St Lawrence River, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology –Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, Toronto, Canada, (Shan, D.)

7-10 June. Abandonment of ships: a case study of seafarers’ rights and remedies. In International Meeting on Law and Society, Toronto, Canada, (Shan, D., Chen, G. )

23-24 May. CrewConnect Hamburg. Sampson, H. on panel for Wellness ROI Debate: Pay now or pay more later? Designing a Wellness strategy to boost engagement and reduce accidents,  (Sampson, H., Turgo, N.)

16-17 May.  22nd HR & Crew Management Conference, Singapore, (Acejo, I.)

16 May. Maritime 2050 – Navigating the Future workshop, Department for Transport, London, (Sampson, H.)

10-11 May. ‘Global Value Chains and Their Employment Relations Consequences.’ 31st Cardiff Employment Research Unit Conference and Special Issue, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, (Graham, C)

9-10 May. Lloyd’s Register Foundation International Conference, (Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Senu, A.)

20-21 April. The Future of Maritime Professionals, Nautical Institute London Branch Conference, Bristol, 20-21 April, ( Acejo, I., Senu, A.)

20-21 April. Session 4 Enforcement of Labour Rights, in Migrants at Work in Canada Symposium, Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace, Queen’s University, (Shan, D.)

17 April. Exploring the Design Envelope for Enhanced Design & Operation of Search & Rescue Craft, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London,  (Senu, A.)



5-7 December. Canada Maritime Advisory Council, Transport Canada, Ottawa, Canada (Shan, D.)

6-8 November. CrewConnect Global. Manila, Philippines (Baum-Talmor, P., Graham, C.A.E.)

23 November. Arts History and Social Sciences (AHSS) Impact Conference. Cardiff University (Graham, C.A.E.)

30 November – 1 December. British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA). 5th PhD Symposium. Cardiff University (Graham, C.A.E.)

13 October. ‘Business integrity and ethics: the nexus between global and local perspectives’, CORA course. World Maritime University, (Acejo, I)

8-10 June. Realizing Rights 2017: Human Rights and Constitutionalism Conference. Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, Canada (Shan, D)

2 June. General Consultation on the third pillar of the UN guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Access to an Effective Remedy, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, Human Rights and Education Centre, University of Ottawa, Canada (Shan, D)

9 March. ‘European and International Research Event’, Cardiff University, (Acejo, I., Turgo, N.)

27 April. ‘Crew wellbeing seminar’, Cardiff University, SIRC, (Acejo, I.)

17 February. ‘The relationship between ship staff and ‘operator’ personnel’, UK HEDG. Maritime and Coastguard Agency HQ, Southampton, (Acejo, I.)


10 November. ‘ISWAN’s Seminar on the Health of Seafarers’, Copenhagen, (Kitada, M.).

13-16 October. ‘Mapping International Practice: A Workshop organized by the Department of Politics and International Relations’, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, (Senu, A.).

12-13 October. Speaker, ‘Mixed-nationality crewing on board ships. 4th Workshop on Training and Assessment: Resolving “Safety-Profit” Tension’, University College of Southeast Norway in collaboration with Maersk Training Centre, Svendborg, Denmark, (Acejo, I.).

4 October.‘Jobs, Skills and the Future’, NAUTILUS International Symposium, Radisson Blu Hotel, Cardiff, (Graham, C.A.E.).

15-16 September.‘Employers’ Organizations and Employer Collective Action.’ 30th Employment Research Unit Conference, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, (Graham, C.A.E.). 

1 September. ‘Using Social Media in Social Research’, Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD), Cardiff, Wales, (Graham, C.A.E.).

24-26 August. Denmark MSSM - Maritim Sikkerhed – Sundhed Og Miljø – (Maritime Safety, Health and Environment) Conference, Hotel Nyborg Strand, Nyborg, Denmark (Graham, C.A.E.).

29-30 July. SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University (All available fellows).

16 June. ‘GEM Conference’, London, England (Kitada, M.).

15-16 June. UK National Maritime ‘Invest in Blue’  International Festival for Business, Exhibition Centre, Liverpool, UK (Baum-Talmor, P., Graham, C.A.E.).

13 June. Drawing in Research. Wales Doctoral Training Centre. John Percival Building, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales (Graham, C.A.E.).

8 June. ‘Les Beck - Academic Diary,’ Seminar, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales (Baum-Talmor, P. Graham, C.A.E.).

26 May. ‘IHS Briefing: evolving trends influencing the shipping industry’, IHS Offices, London, England, (Baum-Talmor, P.).

20 May. ‘Knowing the Sea: The Prospects of Maritime Domain Awareness’ An Ideaslab at Cardiff University in conjunction with the European Maritime Day. Department of Politics and International Relations, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales (Senu, A.).

9-11 May. ‘CrewConnect Europe Conference 2016’, Copenhagen, (Turgo, N.).

19-21 April. ‘Ergonomics and Human Factors 2016’, Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Daventry, (Graham, C.A.E.).

23 March. ‘Two faces of qualitative inquiry: theoretical and applied approaches’, 2016 Southwest Qualitative Research Symposium’, Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, England, (Acejo, I., Llangco, M.).

17-18 March. ‘Offshore Vessel Connect Conference North America’, Informa, Houston, Texas, USA, (Shan, D.).

2 March. Presenter, ‘Does migrant presence affect consumption spending and investment decisions? Household level evidence from the Philippines’, Survey Data Users Brown Bag Seminar Series, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, (Acejo, I.).

8 February. ‘UK Longitudinal Studies Roadshow’, ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership, Cardiff City Hall, Wales, (Acejo, I., Llangco, M).

27 January. ‘One Belt, One Road: UK/China Maritime Research Symposium’, Warsash Maritime Academy, the Southampton Solent University, Southampton, (Shan, D.).

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8 October-9 October. 'Offshore Marine Crewing Conference', Oslo, Norway, (Pepito, R.).

8 September. Maritime Welfare: The Big Debate', London International Shipping Week, The Willis Building, London, (Graham, C.A.E.).

17-18 September. 'After Paul Atkinson – the future of three research areas', Cardiff University School of Social Sciences in association with 40 Years of Ethnography at Cardiff and Sage Publications, Cardiff University, (Graham, C.A.E.).

23 April. Breaking Boundaries 201: An interdisciplinary conference in the Humanities and Soal Sciences', Cardiff University postgraduate researchers in association with University Graduate College, Hadyn Ellis Building, (Graham, C.A.E.).

9 March. Overcoming obstacles: Managing the challenges of research', Social Sciences Postgraduate Café Conference, Cardiff University, (Graham, C.A.E.).

31 March. 'Irregular Migration via the Mediterranean: Examining the Coastal Transit State in North Africa', ESRC Seminar Series - Fostering Sustainable Development: Examining the Challenges Posed by Maritime Security, Coventry University London Campus, (Senu, A.).

28 April-29 April. European Manning and Training Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-29 April (Baum-Talmor, P.).

12 May-14 May. AoS National Conference, Hayes Conference Centre Swanwick, Derbyshire, UK, (Baum-Talmor, P.).

12 June. Annual Social Science Doctoral Conference, Cardiff University, 12 June (Baum-Talmor, P.).

12 November-13 November. 'CrewConnect Global 2015: Asia-Pacific Manning & Training Conference', Manila, Philippines, (Baum-Talmor, P.).

12 November-13 November. 'CrewConnect Global 2015: Asia-Pacific Manning & Training Conference', Manila, Philippines, (Turgo, N.).

6 October-9 October. 'The European survey of enterprises on new and emerging risks and the role of worker participation in the management of these health and safety issues', Tallinn, Estonia, (Graham, C.).

30 September. 'Armed Violence in the Gulf of Guinea: What are the lived experiences of seafarers faced with the threat of armed violence at sea?', ESRC Seminar Series (Number 4): Fostering Sustainable Development: Examining the challenges posed by maritime insecurity The Nautical Institute, London, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University in partnership with The Nautical Institute, London, (Abila, S.S.).

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26-27 November. '15th Asia-Pacific Manning & Training Conference', Manila, Philippines, (Acejo, I.).

6-7 November.  '2nd British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) PhD Symposium', University of Leeds, (Graham, C.).

11-12 September.  'Britain and the Sea 3: Enriching Britain's Maritime Capability', Mast House, Plymouth University Graduate School of Management, (Graham, C.).

25-27 June. (2014) 'BUIRA Conference 2014', University of Westminster, (Buiser, R.). 

30 April. 'Chinese Maritime Law Conference', China Maritime Centre, Greenwich University, (Shan, D.).

30 January-1 February. 'The Health and Welfare of Seafarers: Past, Present and Prospects', Hull University, (Shan, D.).

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05-06 December. The Blue Conference 2013, Research & Innovation, Copenhagen Business School, (Devereux, H.).

29-30 October. 14th Asia-Pacific Manning & Training Conference, Mania, Philippines, (Turgo, N.).

5-26 October.  21st Century Shipping Conference - How will the Industry Evolve?, The Nautical Institute, Bristol, (Baum-Talmor, P.).

24-25 October. Researching Seafarers and Trade Unions in The Philippines: Notes from The Field, BUIRA Doctoral Symposium, British Universities Industrial Relations Association, Leeds University, (Buiser, R.).

23 October. The Impact of Trade Unions on 'Decent Work' in The Philippine Maritime Labour Sector, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, (Buiser, R.).

3-4 July. SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University (All available fellows).

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9-23 June. Brown International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI 2012), Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, (Attah, A.).

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28-29 September. First Philippine Seafarer Congress. Manila, Philippines, (Abila, S.).

5-7 September.  The LRET Research Workshop, University College London, (Acejo, I., Tang. L., and Turgo. N.).

6-7 July. SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, (All available fellows).

14-15 April. 'Making Connections: Migration, Gender and Care Labour in Transnational Context, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)', Oxford University, (Galam, R.).

9 February. 'Seafarers’ Rights: Why Do They Matter?', London Metropolitan University, (Abila, S., and  Dutt, M.).

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18-19 August. International Symposium – 60 Years of China’s Union Law and 15 Years of China’s Labour Law: Review, Evaluation and Prospect, Beijing Normal University, China, (Zhao, Z.).

24 June. Re-Constructing Multiculturalism Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference, Cardiff School of European Studies, Cardiff University, UK, (Dacanay, J. and  Abila, S.).

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11 December. Cultural Translation: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Cardiff University, (Galam, R.).

17-18 September. Have We Ever Been Post?: Critiques of Sociological Knowledge, University of Warwick, (Turgo, N.).

25 August. Managing the Port Transit & Anti-Piracy Measures and Industry Best Practice, Glasgow, UK, (Anand, N.).

14-15 July. Bristol Postgraduate Network for East Asian Studies Conference, University of Bristol, UK, (Yang, P.).

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9-10 December. Modern Watchkeeping and the Human Element, New Delhi, India, (Anand, N.).

7-8 November. The Mariner and Maritime Law - Manning the Future North East England Branch, Newcastle, UK, (Acejo, I., Anand, N., Edmund, S., Leong, P., Li, L., Mazhari, S.).

4 June. Impacts of Climate Change on the Maritime Industry (ICCMI 2008), Malmö, Sweden,
(Abou-Elkawam, M.).

19-21 May. International Ship-Port-Interface Conference (ISPIC 2008), Bremen, Germany, (Abou-Elkawam, M.).

2-4 April.Empowering Professional Women in the Maritime World International Conference, Malmö, Sweden, (Abou-Elkawam, M.).

10 April. Identities - Theoretical and Methodological Journeys, Loughborough University, (Kitada, M.).

28-30 March. The British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2008 - Social Worlds Natural Worlds, Warwick University: Coventry, UK, (Abou-Elkawam, M.).

February. Cultural Trends Conference, City University of London, (Turgo, N.).

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November. The 4th Global Conference – Persons and Sexuality in Salzburg, Austria, (Tang, L.).

November. Crime Narratives in Context Workshop 6th. Euros – Cardiff University, (Abou-Elkawam, M.).

4- 5 July. 2007 SIRC Symposium, Cardiff, (Abou-Elkawam, M.; Acejo, I.; Bernfeld, J.; Bhattacharya, S.; Gekara, V.; Ghanem, M.; Kitada, M; Li, L.; Lucero-Prisno, E.; Mazhari, S.; Tang, L.; Turgo, N.).

28 June. Reading: Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference (Humanities/Social Sciences, (Abou-Elkawam, M.).

June. 9th International Symposium of Maritime Health in Esjberg, Denmark, (Tang, L.).

January 2006 – May 2008.IMO MEPC Committee Meetings 52, 53, 54, 56, 57 and FSI 15. London, UK, (Abou-Elkawam, M.). 

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July. 2005 SIRC Symposium, Cardiff, (Bernfeld, J.; Bhattacharya, S.; Gekara, V.; Ghanem, M.; Tang, L.).

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