Mohamed Ghanem

Mohamed Ghanem 43, was born in the ancient great city Alexandria of Egypt. He graduated from the Arab Maritime Transport Academy (nowAASTMT) 1983, and has a 14 years experience as a seafarer, where he worked as a master on both national and foreign flagged ships. Mohamed also taught at AASTMT for 8 years and holds a MSc Degree specialised in Maritime Education and Training from the World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden. His interests are fostering seafarers’ awareness against collision and grounding. 

Mohamed Ghanem sadly died in March 2013 however, the work he had produced towards his thesis, with appropriate documentation was considered for a posthumous PhD award in line with Cardiff University regulations. Examiners were appointed and the thesis was ultimately judged to be of PhD standard and worthy of an award. The framed PhD certificate was presented to his wife and daughter in January 2015.
Cardiff life