Conference Papers Given in 2020
Acejo, I. (2020) ‘Designing In’ The Human Element: Recommendations for Improvements to Vessel Accommodation. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects’ Human Factors conference 19 February 2021 London
Baum-Talmor, P. (2020) ‘Cargo Ships as Liminal Spaces: An Analysis from a ‘Total Institution’ Perspective’, part of the Borders and Places stream, 15/9/2020 RAI conference online, using the Shindig platform for conferences.
Baum-Talmor, P. (2020) ‘Some implications of the Pandemic for shipboard crews’, part of The Big Picture (Global Developments) panel, Virtual conference on Shipping – Global and Israeli perspectives, 8/9/2020 HMS conference via Zoom, University of Haifa.
Baum-Talmor, P. (2020) ‘Multidisciplinary aspects of food on board cargo ships: a preliminary study’, part of the method session, in ‘A Festival of Ethnography 2020, Replacing the 15th Annual Ethnography Symposium’, 26/8/2020 part of the Ethnography Festival, Liverpool University, via Zoom.
Graham, C. (2020) “Covid-19 and Shipping;” Maritime Law and Policy Highlights. World Maritime University. Alumni Webinar. 29 May.
Graham, C. (2020) “The impact of Covid-19 on transport workers: labour’s response.” Global Labour University Online Academy (Iversity). Workshop. 11 September.
Graham, C. (2020) "Regulating global supply chains: A perspective from the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and IndustriALL." Global Labour University Online Academy (Iversity). Workshop. 1 October.
Graham, C. (2020) “Understanding Mental Health and Well-being of Seafarers during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” World Maritime University. Alumni Webinar. 25 November.
Kitada, M. (2020). Women in Ocean Sustainability (virtual presentation at the session titled “Promoting Sustainable Blue Economy with a Gender Lens in Asia”). Leader's talk - Reykjavik Global Forum 2020. 7 November, Reykjavik
Shan, D. (2020) The need to enhance marine occupational health and safety in Canada. 10th International Labour and Employment Relations Association Regional Congress for The Americas: online conference, Toronto.
Shan, D. (2020) Maritime Labour Law: Repatriation, abandonment and issues related to medical care and welfare seafarers, Gujarat Maritime University, Aug 10th-15th, 2020.
Shan, D. (2020) Research Writing and Publication, Dalian Ocean University, Sep 14th, 2020.