
Lijun Tang

Lijun is an ex-seafarer. After obtaining his first degree in Nautical Studies and the second mate certificate from Shanghai Maritime University, he joined COSCO, Qingdao and worked on bulk ships. In 2003, he came to the UK to pursue further education. Upon finishing an MSc in International Maritime Studies at Southampton Solent University in 2004, Lijun won a SIRC-Nippon Foundation Fellowship to conduct maritime related PhD research at Cardiff University. In 2008 he completed the study and was awarded a PhD.

In 2009 Lijun became a Research Associate at SIRC and worked on two projects concerning: 1) seafarers and the use of mandatory shipboard equipment, 2) relationships between shore-side and shipboard personnel onboard. Both projects are jointly funded by the Lloyd's Register Foundation, The TK Foundation, and Cardiff University. His research interests and publications are in the areas of training and technology in shipping, occupational health and safety, seafaring family life, and internet culture/politics in China.

 In 2017 Lijun took up a lectureship at Plymouth University.


Peer reviewed journal articles

Tang, L., Shan, D. and Yang, P. 2016. Workers' rights defence on China's internet: an analysis of actorsInformation, Communication & Society 19(8), pp. 1171-1186.

Zhao, Z., Jepsen, J. R. and Tang, L. 2016. The reform of Chinese state-owned ship crewing agencies and implications for China's seafaring labour exportMaritime Policy & Management (DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2016.1169450)

Yang, P., Tang, L. and Wang, X. 2015. Diaosi as infrapolitics: scatological tropes, identity-making and cultural intimacy on China's InternetMedia, Culture & Society 37(2), pp. 197-214.

Tang, L., Llangco, M. O. S. and Zhao, Z. 2015. Transformations and continuities of issues related to Chinese participation in the global seafarers' labour marketMaritime Policy & Management (DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2015.1043751)

Sampson, H. A. and Tang, L. 2015. Strange things happen at sea: training and new technology in a multi-billion global industryJournal of Education and Work (DOI: 10.1080/13639080.2015.1102213

Abila, S. S. and Tang, L. 2014. Trauma, post-trauma, and support in the shipping industry: The experience of Filipino seafarers after pirate attacksMarine Policy 46, pp. 132-136.

Tang, L. 2013. The politics of flies: mocking news in Chinese cyberspaceChinese Journal of Communication 6(4), pp. 482-496.

Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. 2013. Fatigued for safety? Supply chain occupational health and safety initiatives in shippingEconomic and Industrial Democracy 34(3), pp. 383-399.

Tang, L. 2013. The role of nationalism in the olympics: reflecting on the 2012 London GamesSociological Research Online 18(2), article number: 16.

Tang, L. 2013. Consuming news in Chinese cyberspace: a case studyContinuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 27(5), pp. 740-751.

Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. 2013. Middle managers' role in safeguarding OHS: The case of the shipping industrySafety Science 51(1), pp. 63-68.

Tang, L. 2012. 'In the name of love': Learning through online supportConvergence 18(4), pp. 465-472.

Tang, L. 2012. Waiting together: Seafarer-partners in cyberspaceTime & Society 21(2), pp. 223-240.

Tang, L. and Sampson, H. A. 2012. The interaction between mass media and the internet in non-democratic states: the case of ChinaMedia, Culture & Society 34(4), pp. 457-471.

Tang, L. and Yang, P. 2011. Symbolic power and the internet: the power of a ‘horse’Media, Culture & Society 33(5), pp. 675-691.

Tang, L. and Bhattacharya, S. 2011. Power and resistance: A case study of satire on the internetSociological Research Online 16(2), article number: 11.

Tang, L. 2010. Empowering or Disempowering? Online Support Among Seafarer-PartnersSociological Research Online 15(2), article number: 6.

Tang, L. 2010. Development of online friendship in different social spacesInformation, Communication & Society 13(4), pp. 615-633.

Tang, L. 2009. Shaping feelings in cyberspace: The case of Chinese seafarer-partnersEmotion, Space and Society 2(2), pp. 104-110.


Book Chapters

Tang, L. (2012) ‘Online Friendship’, in Yan, Z. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, pp. 412-421. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.


Research Reports

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Turgo, N. (2016) 'The use of mandatory equipment on board cargo ships: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', SIRC Publication: Cardiff University, April, ISBN: 1-900174-74-2. 

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Turgo, N. (2016) 'The relationships between seafarers and shore-side personnel: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', SIRC Publication: Cardiff University, April, ISBN: 1-900174-48-0.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Tang, L., Turgo, N., Zhao, Z. (2012) 'Seafarer Accommodation on Contemporary Cargo Ships', SIRC Publication, December, ISBN: 1-900174-43-X.

Sampson, H., Tang, L. (2011) 'New Shipboard Technology and Training Provision for Seafarers', SIRC Publication, October, ISBN 1-900174-41-3.


Industry Related Publications

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Gould. E., Tang, L., Turgo, N., Zhao, Z. (2012) ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012’, Report commissioned by Allianz which underpins their subsequent publication ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012: From Titanic to Costa Concordia, an insurer’s perspective from Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty’ available from Allianz GCS.

Tang, L. (2006) Online Support and Help for Seafarers’ Partners, The Sea, Issue 180 Mar/Apr.


Conference Presentations/Papers

Xue, C., Walters, D., Tang, L. (2015) 'The effectiveness of health and safety management in Chinese shipping: from the perspective of a shipmaster’s decision- making power', The World Congress on Engineering 2015, International Association of Engineers, Imperial College London, 1-3 July.

Tang, L., Yang, P., Shan, D. (2014) ‘Workers’ rights defence on China’s Internet’, Connected Life 2014: A Multidisciplinary Conference for Emerging Internet Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, 12 June.

Abila, S. S., & Tang, L. (2014) ‘The experience of Filipino seafarers after pirate attacks’, The 24th Conference on West  Visayan History & Culture – Maritime Heritage of Western Visayas, Philippines, University of Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City, 6-7 November.

Tang, L., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Turgo, N., Sampson, H. (2013) 'Behind the Headlines? An Analysis of Accident Investigation Reports', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Sampson, H., Acejo, I. (2013) 'The Use of Mandatory Equipment On-board', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2013) 'Understanding the Relationships Between Ship and Shore Personnel', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Tang, L. (2013) ‘Mental health of seafarers’, The 12th International Symposium on Maritime Health in Brest, France.

Sampson, H., Tang, L. (2012) ‘Working with new technology: seafarers and their training requirements’, International Symposium Information on Ships, Hamburg, Germany, 30-31 August.

Tang, L., Sampson, H. (2011) ‘Training and Technology: Findings from the Questionnaire Study’, SIRC Symposium. Cardiff: SIRC.

Tang, L. (2011) ‘Power of the Powerless: Spectacles in Chinese Cyberspace’,  Remembering the Event: Power, Crisis, and Transformation, A Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference, Cardiff University, UK, 21 April.

Tang, L. (2011) ‘Seafarers’ Perception of CBT Onboard’, The 6th MOLT (Europe) European Officer Seminar, Zadar, Croatia, 1-2 March.

Tang, L. (2010) 'Adapting to New Shipboard Technology' The Lloyds' Register Educational Trust Marine & Offshore Research Workshop, The National University of Singapore, Singapore, 16-18 February.

Tang, L. (2009) ‘Training and technology: potential issues for shipping’, SIRC Symposium. Cardiff, SIRC.

Tang, L. (2007) The ‘Presence’ of the Absent Seafarers: Predicaments of Seafarer-Partners, SIRC Symposium. Cardiff, SIRC.

Tang, L. (2007) ‘The Embeddedness of Intimate Relationships: Seafarer-Partners in Cyberspace’, The 4th Global Conference – Persons and Sexuality: Probing the Boundaries.

Tang, L. (2007) ‘Coping with Separation: Chinese Seafarer-Partners in Cyberspace’, The 9th International Symposium on Maritime Health in Esjberg, Denmark.

Cardiff life