Publications by author alphabetically 

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Sampson, H., Acejo, I. (2023) The port-based welfare needs of women seafarers, Cardiff: SIRC. 

Abila, S.A. and Acejo, I. (2021) 'Mental health of Filipino seafarers and its implications for seafarers' education', International Maritime Health, 72(3): 183-192, DOI: 10.5603/IMH2021.0035

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2019) 'Between a rock and a hard place': the implications of lost autonomy and trust for professionals at sea, Work, Employment and Society, 1-18, DOI: 10.1177/0950017018821284

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2018), 'The causes of maritime accidents in the period 2002-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-51-0.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, I., Turgo, N., Tang, L. (2018) 'The working and living conditions of seafarers on cargo ships in the period 2011-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-20-2.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, A., Turgo, N. (2017) 'Changes in seafarers' health 2011-2016: A summary report', Cardiff: SIRC, July, ISBN: 1-900174-49-9..

Acejo, I. and Abila, S.S. (2016) 'Rubbing out gender: women and merchant ships', Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 5(2): 123-128. DOI: 10.1108/JOE-01-2016-0004.

Abila, S.S. and Tang, L. (2014) ‘Trauma, post-trauma, and support in the shipping industry: The experience of Filipino seafarers after pirate attacksMarine Policy, 46(2014): 132-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.01.012.

Abou-Elkawam, M. (2015) Nomads of a Global Industry: Seafarers and the Marine Environment : The Quest, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 13:978-3-659- 78530-6; ISBN: 10:365978530; EAN: 9783659785.

Abou-Elkawam, M. (2011) 'Seafarers and Growing Environmental Concerns: To Comply or Not to Comply - Choices and Practices', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Abou-Elkawam, M. (2008) 'Seafarers' quest for better auditing regimes', The Sea, Issue 196, Nov/Dec.

Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2016) ‘Keeping your seat warm’: the role of seafarers’ wives in the maintenance of social status and societal place', in Qingwen Xu and Lucy Jordan (eds) Migrant workers: Social Identity, Occupational Challenges and Health Practices, New York: Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-63485-301-9 (e-book), Part III (9), pp.137-154.

Acejo, I. and Abila, S.S. (2016) 'Rubbing out gender: women and merchant ships', Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 5(2): 123-128. DOI: 10.1108/JOE-01-2016-0004.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The use of mandatory equipment on board cargo ships: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-74-2.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The relationships between seafarers and shore-side personnel: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-48-0.

Gekara, V., Acejo, I. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Re-imaginining Global Union Representation Under Globalisation: A Case of Seafaring Labour and the Nautilus International Cross-border Merger', Global Labour Journal, 4(3): 167-185. DOI: 10.15173/glj.v4i3.1139.

Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2013) 'The Use of Mandatory Equipment On-board', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Understanding the Relationships Between Ship and Shore Personnel', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Tang, L., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Turgo, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Behind the Headlines? An Analysis of Accident Investigation Reports', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) 'Seafarer Accommodation on Contemporary Cargo Ships', SIRC Publication, December, ISBN: 1-900174-43-X.

Acejo, I. (2012) ‘Seafarers and transnationalism: ways of belongingness ashore and aboard’, Journal of Intercultural Studies33(1): 69-84. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2012.633317.

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N. and Wadsworth, E. (2011) 'The Health and Self-medication Practices of Seafarers', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Akamangwa, N. (2017) ‘Regulatory Influences on Environmental Protection: Why Shipping Companies Comply and When They Don't’, Ocean Development & International Law 48: 158-180.

Akamangwa, N. (2017) ‘Understanding Environmental Requirements and Their Implementation Aboard Merchant Ships’, Ocean Yearbook 31: 345-380.

Akamangwa, N. (2016) ‘Working for the environment and against safety: How compliance affects health and safety on board ships’, Safety Science, 87(2016): 131-143.

Akamangwa, N. (2013) 'Global Environmental Regulation and Workers in the Shipping Industry', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Alderton, T., Bloor, M., Kahveci, E., Lane, T., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Winchester, N., Wu, B., Zhao, M. (2004) The global seafarer: living and working conditions in a globalized industry, 224 pp, ILO, Geneva, ISBN 92-2-112713-3.

Alderton, T. and Winchester, N. (2002) ‘Globalisaton and de-regulation in the maritime industry’, Marine Policy, 26(1): 35-43. DOI: 10.1016/S0308-597X(01)00034-3.

Alderton, T. and Winchester, N. (2002) ‘Flag States and Safety: 1997-1999’, Maritime Policy & Management, 29(2): 151-162, ISSN 0308-8839.

Alderton, T. and Winchester, N. (2002) ‘Internationale Regulierungen und die Praxis von Flaggenstaaten. Eine globale vergleichende Analyse’ [International Regulation and the practice of flag states. A global comparative analysis], in H. Gerstenberger and U. Welke (eds.), H. Gerstenberger (trans.), Seefahrt im Zeichen der Globalisierung, Westfälisches Dampfboot: Münster, ISBN 3-89691-520-7.

Alderton, T. and Winchester, N. (2002) ‘Regulation, Representation and the Flag Market’, Journal for Maritime Research, 4(1): 89-105. DOI: 10.1080/21533369.2002.9668323.

Alderton, T. and Winchester, N. (2001) ‘Globalisation in the Maritime Industry: Its Effects Upon the Human Factor’, in J.O. Puig, R.R.M. Dauer, R.G. Blanco and J.M. Mallofre (eds.), Maritime Transport, UPC: Catalonia, ISBN 84-7653-796-4.

Winchester, N. and Alderton, T. (2003) ‘Flag State Audit 2003’, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN 1-900174-19-7.

Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘A cross-vessel survey of seafarers examining factors associated with fatigue’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, McCabe, P. (ed), London: Taylor & Francis, pp 125-130. 

Burke, A., Ellis, N. and Allen, P. (2003) ‘The impact of work patterns on stress and fatigue among offshore worker populations’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003. McCabe, P. (ed), London: Taylor & Francis, pp 131-136.

Ellis, N., Allen, P. and Burke, A. (2003) ‘The influence of noise and motion on sleep, mood and performance of seafarers’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, McCabe, P. (ed), London: Taylor & Francis, pp 137-142.

Smith, A., Lane, T., Bloor, M., Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘Fatigue Offshore: Phase 2. The short sea and coastal shipping industry’. Cardiff: SIRC.

Amante, M.S.V. (2003) 'Philippine Global Seafarers: A Profile', Cardiff: SIRC.

Amante, M.S.V. (2003) ‘Bitter Sweet Life for Philippine Seafarers in the Rough Seas of the Global Labour Market’. Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations.

Amante, M.S.V. (2003) ‘How much do Filipino seafarers get paid?’ Seaway Shipping Digest, pp 9-11, September.         

Amante, M.S.V. (2003) ‘RP still largest supplier of seafarers in the world’. Philippine Daily Inquirer, Internet edition, 3 July.

Amante, M.S.V. (2003) ‘RP still world’s No. 1 supplier of seafarers’.Seaway Shipping Digest, No 6, p 5, July.

Zhao, A. and Amante, M.S.V. (2003) ‘Chinese Seafarers and Filipino Seafarers: race to the top or race to the bottom?’, SIRC Symposium 2003, Cardiff University, September 19th, ISBN 1-900174-22-7.

Anand, N. (2016) 'Lost Control, Just Stay in Command: What it Means to be a Ship Captain?', Seaways Magazine, January.

Anand, N. (2016) 'Accidents at Sea: Causes or Constructs?', TradeWinds Magazine, January.

Anand, N. (2016) 'Boxing and Dancing: The Challenges of Enforcement in Global Shipping'. Seaways Magazine, February, pp 13-16.


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Obando-Rojas, B., Welsh, I., Bloor, M., Lane, A.D., Badigannavar, V. and Maguire, M. (2004) ‘The political economy of fraud in a globalised industry: the case of seafarers' certifications’, Sociological Review, 52(3): 295-313, ISSN 0038- 0261.

Obando-Rojas, B., Badigannavar, V., Lane, T., Bloor, M. and Maguire, M. (2001) ‘A study on fraudulent practices associated with certificates of competency and endorsements’, Main Report. Report commissioned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Pub 483/01, ISBN 92-801-5124-X.

Sampson, H., Bailey, N. and Ellis, N. (2013) '‘Walking the Talk’: How Companies Succeed in Managing Risk at Sea', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson H. (2012) 'Exploring differences in perceptions of risk, and its management, amongst personnel directly associated with the operation of ships', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN 1-900174-42-1.

, N. and Winchester, N. (2012) ‘Islands in the stream: Revisiting methodological nationalism under conditions of globalisation’, Sociology, 46(4): 712-727. DOI: 10.1177/0038038511425563.

Winchester, N. and Bailey, N. (2012) Making sense of ‘global’ social justice: Claims for justice in the global labour market for seafarers’, Sociological Research Online, 17(4): 10-22. DOI: 10.5153/sro.2777.

, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Living and Working Conditions in the Large Yacht Sector', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'Safety and Perceptions of Risk: A Comparison Between Respondent Perceptions and Recorded Accident Data', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-38-3.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'SIRC Report to the PYA on Living and Working Conditions Aboard Yachts', commissioned by the Professional Yachtsmen's Association, August.

Bailey, N. (2009) 'Making sense of differences in perceptions of risk', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 8-9 July, ISBN 1-900174-36-7.

Thomas, M. and Bailey, N. (2009) ‘Out of Time: Work, Temporal Synchrony and families’. Sociology, 43(4): 613-630. DOI: 10.1177/0038038509105411.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2008) 'Training and Technology Onboard Ship: How seafarers learned to use the shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS)', Cardiff: SIRC, July, ISBN: 1-900174-34-0.

Bailey, N. (2008) 'Passing ships' information', The Sea, Issue 192, Mar/Apr.

Bailey, N. (2007) 'Maritime incidents: Ways of seeing', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Bailey, N. (2007) 'Changing views - the world through a porthole', The Sea, Issue 187, May/Jun.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2007) 'Perceptions of Risk in the Maritime Industry: Personal Injury', Cardiff: SIRC, October , ISBN: 1-900174-32-4.

Bailey, N. (2006) 'Risk perception and safety management systems in the global maritime industry', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 4(2): 59-75. DOI: 10.1080/14774003.2006.11667682.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2006) 'Perceptions of Risk in the Maritime Industry: Ship Casualty', Cardiff: SIRC, August, ISBN: 1-900174-29-4.

Bailey, N., Housley, W. and Belcher, P. (2006) ‘Navigation, interaction and bridge team work’ Sociological Review, 54(2), 342-362. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00617.x.

Thomas, M. and Bailey, N. (2006) 'Square pegs in round holes? Leave periods and role displacement in UK-based seafaring families', Work, Employment and Society, 20(1): 129-149. DOI: 10.1177/0950017006061277.

Bailey, N. (2005) ‘Training, technology and AIS: Looking beyond the box’, SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-26-X.

Bailey, N. (2005) ‘Understanding shipboard risk’, The Sea, issue 175, May/June, p 4.

Bailey, N. (2003) ‘The prudent mariner takes avoiding action’, The Sea, Issue 164, July/Aug, p 4.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814.

Baulk, S. and Reyner, L. (1998) ‘Fatigue in Ferry Crews: A Pilot Study’, November, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN 1-900174-04-9.

Bailey, N., Housley, W. and Belcher, P. (2006) ‘Navigation, interaction and bridge team work’ Sociological Review, 54(2), 342-362. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2006.00617.x.

Belcher, P. (2004) ‘If it works properly, the benefits of AIS could be huge’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 169, May/Jun, pp 4-5.

Belcher, P., Sampson H., Thomas M., Veiga J. and Zhao M. (2003) Women Seafarers: Global employment policies and practices, Geneva: International Labour Office, ISBN 92-2-113491-1.

Belcher, P. and Winchester, N. (2003) ‘The World’s Maritime Industry in 2002’, in The International Transport Workers’ Federation Flags of Convenience Campaign Update, London: ITF, ISBN 0-901969-98-2.

Belcher, P.M. (2003) ‘A day in the life of the Dover Strait’, Safety at Sea International, February, pp 15-16, ISSN 0142 0666.

Belcher, P.M. (2003) ‘Criminalising the seafarer’, Forum debate, Safety at Sea International, September, p 14, ISSN 0142 0666.

Belcher, P.M. (2003) ‘Crossing the Dover Strait, an Analysis of Near Miss Encounters’, Seaways, January, pp 16-23.

Belcher, P.M. (2003) ‘Learning the wrong lessons’, Safety at Sea International, February p 23, ISSN 0142 0666.

Belousov, K., Horlick-Jones, T., Bloor, M., Gilinskiy, Y., Golbert, V., Kostikovsky, Y., Levi, M. and Pentsov, D. (2007) 'Any port in a storm: fieldwork difficulties in dangerous and crisis-ridden settings', Qualitative Research, 7(2): 155-175. DOI: 10.1177/1468794107076019.

Bergantino, A.S. and Marlow, P.B. (1997) ‘An Econometric Analysis of the Decision to Flag Out - Final Report’, June, ISBN 1-900174-01-0.

Bernfeld, J. (2006) 'Second registers have to be judged on their merits', The Sea, issue 183, Sep/Oct 2006, p 4. 

Bhardwaj, S., Bhattacharya, S., Tang, L. and Howell, K. (2019) Technology introduction on ships: the tension between safety and economic rationality. Safety Science 115: 329-338.

Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Middle Managers' Role in Safeguarding OHS: The Case of The Shipping Industry', Safety Science, 51(1): 63-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2012.05.015.

Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Fatigued for Safety? Supply Chain Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives in Shipping', Economic & Industrial Democracy, 34(3): 383-399. DOI: 10.1177/0143831X12439760.

Tang, L. and Bhattacharya, S. (2011) 'Power and Resistance: A Case Study of Satire on the Internet', Sociological Research Online, 16(2): 11-20.

Walters, D., Bhattacharya, S. and Xue, C. (2011) 'Managing Health and Safety Through the Supply Chain: A Case Study of Supply Chain Influence in the Shipping Industry', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Bhattacharya, S. (2009) 'The Impact of the ISM Code on the Management of Occupational Health and Safety in the Maritime Industry', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Bhattacharya, S. (2007) 'Seafarers' participation in safety management on board cargo ships', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Bhattacharya, S. (2006) 'How well does the safety code really work?', The Sea, issue 182, Jul/Aug, p 4.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. (2015) 'Enforcement Issues in the Governance of Ships’ Carbon Emissions'. Laws, 4(3): 335-351. DOI:10.3390/laws4030335. (Special Issue Climate Change and International Economic Law: Chiasms and Complementarities, 24 July 2015).

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2014) 'The instrumental use of technical doubts: Technological controversies, investment decisions and air pollution controls in the global shipping industry' Science and Public Policy, 41(2): 234-244. DOI: 10.1093/scipol/sct050

Bloor, M., Sampson, H. and Gekara, V. (2014) 'Global governance of training standards in an outsourced labor force: the training double bind in seafarer license and certification assessments', Regulation & Governance, 8(4): 455-471. DOI: 10.1111/rego.12042.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) 'Useful but no Oracle: reflections on the use of a Delphi Group in a multi-methods policy research study', Qualitative Research, 15(1): 57-70. DOI: 10.1177/1468794113504103. 

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) 'The Governance of Ships’ Sulphur Emissions: Issues of Enforcement and Equal Treatment' SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions’, Cardiff University, ISBN: 1-900174-44-8.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) ‘Issues in the Enforcement of Future International Regulations on Ships’ Carbon Emissions’, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN: 1-900174-45-6.

Thomas, M., Bloor, M. and Little, K. (2013) 'Sexual risk among female workers on cruise ships', WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 12(1): 87-97DOI 10.1007/s13437-013-0037-6.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814.

Sampson H. and Bloor, M. (2012) 'The effectiveness of Global Regulation in the shipping industry: a critical case study', Revista Latino-americana de Estudos do Trabalho (RELET), 17(28): 45-72.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dalhgren, K. (2012) 'Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Interim Report', Cardiff: SIRC, December.

Bloor, M. (2011) 'An essay on ‘health capital’ and the Faustian bargains struck by workers in the globalised shipping industry', Sociology of Health & Illness, 33(7): 973-986. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01347.x.

Gekara, V., Bloor. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Computer-based Assessment in Safety-Critical Industries: The Case of Shipping', Journal of Vocational Education & Training63(1): 87-100. DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2010.536850.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H. and Baker, S. (2011) Written evidence to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee Inquiry on Sulphur Emissions by Ships

Sampson, H., Gekara, V.O. and Bloor, M. (2011) 'Water-tight or sinking? A consideration of the standards of the contemporary assessment practices underpinning seafarer licence examinations and their implications for employers', Maritime Policy & Management, 38(1): 81-92, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2010.533713

Bloor, M., Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. (2010) ‘Unprepared for the worst: risks of harm for qualitative researchers’, Methodological Innovations Online, 5(1): 45-55. DOI: 10.4256/mio.2010.0009.

Jenkins, N., Bloor, M., Fischer, J., Berney, L. and Neale, J. (2010) 'Putting it in context: the use of vignettes in qualitative interviewing', Qualitative Research, 10(2): 175-198. DOI: 10.1177/1468794109356737.

Bloor, M. (2010) 'Commentary: the researcher's obligation to bring about good', Qualitative Social Work, 9(1): 17-20, ISSN:1473-3250.

Ellis, N., Bloor, M. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'Patterns of Seafarer Injuries', Maritime Policy & Management, 37(2): 121-128. DOI: 10.1080/03088830903533742.

Bloor, M. (2009) 'Commentary: the researcher's obligation to bring about good', Qualitative Social Work, 9(1): 17-20.

Bloor, M. (2009) 'Patterns in injury reporting', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 8-9 July, ISBN 1-900174-36-7.

Bloor, M. and Sampson, H. (2009) 'Regulatory enforcement of labour standards in an outsourcing industry: the case of the shipping industry', Work Employment and Society23(4): 711-726. DOI: 10.1177/0950017009344915.

Sampson, H., Bloor, M., Fincham, B. (2008) 'A Price Worth Paying? Considering the 'Cost' of Reflexive Research Methods and the Influence of Feminist Ways of 'Doing', Sociology, 42(5): 919-933. DOI: 10.1177/0038038508094570.

Bloor, M. (2008) 'Fatalities at sea: the good and the bad news', The Sea, issue 194, Jul/Aug, p 4.

Bloor, M., Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. (2007) QUALITI (NCRM) Commissioned Inquiry Into the Risk to Well-being of Researchers in Qualitative Research, Cardiff: QUALITI.

Belousov, K., Horlick-Jones, T., Bloor, M., Gilinskiy, Y., Golbert, V., Kostikovsky, Y., Levi, M. and Pentsov, D. (2007) 'Any port in a storm: fieldwork difficulties in dangerous and crisis-ridden settings', Qualitative Research, 7(2): 155-175. DOI: 10.1177/1468794107076019.

Bloor, M., Datta, R., Gilinskiy, Y. and Horlick-Jones, T. (2006) ‘Unicorn among the cedars: on the possibility of 'smart regulation' of the globalised shipping industry’, Social & Legal Studies, 15(4): 537-554. DOI: 10.1177/0964663906069546.

Sampson, H. and Bloor, M. (2007) 'When Jack gets out the box: the problems of regulating a global industry' Sociology, 41(3): 551-569. DOI: 10.1177/0038038507076623.

Bloor, M. (2006) ‘Study on enforcement of maritime labour standards on board ships in EU member states’, Maritime Transport Co-Ordination Platform Targeted Studies (report for DG TREN of the European Commission).

Bloor, M. (2004) ‘Addressing social problems through qualitative research’, 304-323 in D. Silverman (ed) Qualitative Research: theory, method and practice, London: Sage (2nd edition), ISBN 0 7619 4934 8.

Bloor, M. and Datta, R. (2004) ‘Port state control inspectors – the seafarer’s friend?’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 168, Mar/Apr, pp 4-5.

Bloor, M., Pentsov, D., Levi, M. and Horlick-Jones, T. (2004) ‘Problems of Global Governance of Seafarers' Health and Safety’, Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-24-3.

Alderton, T., Bloor, M., Kahveci, E., Lane, T., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Winchester, N., Wu, B., Zhao, M. (2004) The global seafarer: living and working conditions in a globalized industry, 224 pp, ILO, Geneva, ISBN 92-2-112713-3.

Datta, R. and Bloor, M. (2004) ‘Port state control and ILO conventions’, Seaways, March, pp 13-16 & 21.

Obando-Rojas, B., Welsh, I., Bloor, M., Lane, A.D., Badigannavar, V. and Maguire, M. (2004) ‘The political economy of fraud in a globalised industry: the case of seafarers' certifications’, Sociological Review, 52(3): 295-313, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00481.x.

Bloor, M. (2003) ‘Port State Enforcement of Health & Safety Regulations for Seafarers’, Norshipping 2003, Lilliesstrom, Norway, June 5-6th.

Bloor, M. (2003) ‘Problems of Global Governance: Port-State control and ILO conventions’, SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, September 19th, ISBN 1-900174-22-7.

Bloor, M. (2003) ‘Comportements a risque, conditions de travail dangereuses et culture du lieu de travail: la sante et la securite au travail dans l’industrie navale’. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees: Ingenieur – Science – Societe [Special Issue: Les Paradoxes du Risque], 106: 23-36, ISSN 0152 9668.

Parry-Langdon, N., Bloor, M., Audrey, S. and Holliday, J. (2003) ‘Process evaluation of health promotion interventions’, Policy and Politics, 31(2): 207-216, ISSN 0305 5736.

Smith, A., Lane, T., Bloor, M., Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘Fatigue Offshore: Phase 2. The short sea and coastal shipping industry’. Cardiff: SIRC.

Obando-Rojas, B., Badigannavar, V., Lane, T., Bloor, M. and Maguire, M. (2001) ‘A study on fraudulent practices associated with certificates of competency and endorsements’, Main Report. Report commissioned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Pub 483/01, ISBN 92-801-5124-X.

Bloor, M., Lane, A. D. and Thomas, M. (2000) ‘Health Risks in the Global Shipping Industry: An Overview’, Health, Risk & Society, 2(3): 329-340. DOI: 10.1080/713670163.

Boerne, G. (1999) ‘Filling the Gap: Small Inter-Island Caribbean Trading Ships and Their Crews’, Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN 1-900174-10-3.

Burke, A., Ellis, N. and Allen, P. (2003) ‘The impact of work patterns on stress and fatigue among offshore worker populations’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp 131-136. Edited by Paul McCabe, London: Taylor & Francis.

Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘A cross-vessel survey of seafarers examining factors associated with fatigue’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp 125-130. Edited by Paul McCabe, London: Taylor & Francis.

Ellis, N., Allen, P. and Burke, A. (2003) ‘The influence of noise and motion on sleep, mood and performance of seafarers’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp 137-142. Edited by Paul McCabe, London: Taylor & Francis.

Smith, A., Lane, T., Bloor, M., Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘Fatigue Offshore: Phase 2. The short sea and coastal shipping industry’. Cardiff: SIRC.

C - Back to top

Calderón Veiga, M. (2011) ‘Seafarers in Ecuador, A Labour Market Study’, Cardiff: SIRC, September, ISBN 1-900174-40-5.

Calderón Veiga, M. (2004) 'A Comparitive Analysis of the European and North-American Approaches to Dealing with Major Oil Spills',WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 3(2): 171-192. DOI: 10.1007/BF03195058.

Jensen, O.C., Sørensen, J.F.L., Canals, M.L., Hu, Y.P., Nicolic, N. and Thomas, M. (2004) ‘Incidence of self-reported occupational injuries in seafaring - an international study’, Occupational Medicine, 54(8): 548–555. DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqh090.

McNamara, R., Collins, A. and Matthews, V. (2000) ‘A Review of Research into Fatigue in Offshore Shipping’, Maritime Review, pp. 118-122.


D - Back to top

Dahlgren, A., Kecklund, G. and Akestedt, T. (2006) ‘Overtime work and its effects on sleep, sleepiness, cortisol and blood pressure in an experimental field study’, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 32(4): 318-327.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814.

Bloor, M., Datta, R., Gilinskiy, Y.  and Horlick-Jones, T. (2006) ‘Unicorn among the cedars: on the possibility of 'smart regulation' of the globalised shipping industry’, Social & Legal Studies, 15(4): 537-554. DOI: 10.1177/0964663906069546.

Datta, R. and Bloor, M. (2004) ‘Port state control and ILO conventions’, Seaways, March, pp 13-16 & 21.

Bloor, M. and Datta, R. (2004) ‘Port state control inspectors – the seafarer’s friend?’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 168, Mar/Apr, pp 4-5.

Davies, A.J. and Parfett, M.C. (1998) ‘Seafarers and The Internet - E-mail and Seafarers' Welfare’, Cardiff: SIRC, May, ISBN 1-900174-01-8.

E - Back to top

Bailey, N., Winchester, N., Ellis, N. (2023) 'What is your intention? Tacit knowledge and community-based learning for collision avoidance in the global maritime industry', Journal of Vocational Education and Training, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2023.2213685

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2022) Scoping exercise relating to the future evaluation of evidence underpinning decision-making in the shipping industry, Cardiff: SIRC.  

Ellis, N., Wadsworth, E., Sampson, H. (2021) Mapping Maritime Professionals - Towards a full-scale European data collection system, ETF & ECSA. 

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2020) 'Stepping up: the need for Proactive Employer Investment in Safeguarding Seafarers' Mental Health and Wellbeing, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2020.1867918.  

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2019) Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing, Full Report, IOSH. 

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2019) Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing, Summary Report, IOSH.

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2019) 'Between a rock and a hard place': the implications of lost autonomy and trust for professionals at sea, Work, Employment and Society, 1-18, DOI: 10.1177/0950017018821284

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2019) 'Fatalities and injuries among seafarers in the period 2000-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, February, ISBN: 1-900174-52-9. 

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2018), 'The causes of maritime accidents in the period 2002-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-51-0.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, I., Turgo, N., Tang, L. (2018) 'The working and living conditions of seafarers on cargo ships in the period 2011-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-20-2.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The use of mandatory equipment on board cargo ships: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-74-2.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The relationships between seafarers and shore-side personnel: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-48-0.

Sampson, H. and Ellis, N. (2015) ‘Elusive corporate social responsibility (CSR) in global shipping’, Journal of Global Responsibility6(1): 80-98, DOI 10.1108/JGR-08-2014-0028.

Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Accommodation and Welfare on Contemporary Cargo Ships', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2013) 'The Use of Mandatory Equipment On-board', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Understanding the Relationships Between Ship and Shore Personnel', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Tang, L., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Turgo, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Behind the Headlines? An Analysis of Accident Investigation Reports', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Sampson, H., Bailey, N. and Ellis, N. (2013) '‘Walking the Talk’: How Companies Succeed in Managing Risk at Sea', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) 'Seafarer Accommodation on Contemporary Cargo Ships', Cardiff: SIRC, December, ISBN: 1-900174-43-X.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Gould. E., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012’, Report commissioned by Allianz which underpins their subsequent publication ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012: From Titanic to Costa Concordia, an insurer’s perspective from Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty’.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson H. (2012) 'Exploring differences in perceptions of risk, and its management, amongst personnel directly associated with the operation of ships', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN 1-900174-42-1.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Living and Working Conditions in the Large Yacht Sector', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H. and Wadsworth, E. (2011) 'Fatalities at Sea', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'Safety and Perceptions of Risk: A Comparison Between Respondent Perceptions and Recorded Accident Data', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-38-3.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'SIRC Report to the PYA on Living and Working Conditions Aboard Yachts', commissioned by the Professional Yachtsmen's Association, August.

Ellis, N., Bloor, M. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'Patterns of Seafarer Injuries', Maritime Policy & Management, 37(2): 121-128. DOI: 10.1080/03088830903533742.

Ellis, N. (2010) ‘Seafarers’ Well-Being – The role of ship design. Seaways, January 2010, pp 14-16.

Ellis, N. (2009) ‘Life at Sea: Room for Improvement?', Nautilus International Telegraph, London, August 2009, pp 24-25.

Ellis, N. (2009) 'Vessel design and the wellbeing of seafarers', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 8-9 July, ISBN 1-900174-36-7.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2008) 'Training and Technology Onboard Ship: How seafarers learned to use the shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS)', Cardiff: SIRC, July, ISBN: 1-900174-34-0.

Ellis,N. and Sampson, H. (2008) 'The Global Labour Market for Seafarers Working Aboard Merchant Cargo Ships 2003', Cardiff: SIRC, June, ISBN: 1-900174-35-9.

Ellis, N. (2008) 'Why should seafarers care about what researchers do?', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 193 May/Jun 2008, pp 4-5.

Ellis, N. (2007) 'Accident and incident data', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Ellis, N. (2007) 'How to take some of the stress out of the job', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 185 Jan/Feb 2007, pp 4-5.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2007) 'Perceptions of Risk in the Maritime Industry: Personal Injury', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-32-4.

Ellis, N., Jain, A. and Leka, S. (2006) ‘Work Stress Prevention and Management: A Practical Guide for Organisations’, Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, University of Nottingham, ISBN 0-9554365-0-8.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2006) 'Perceptions of Risk in the Maritime Industry: Ship Casualty', Cardiff: SIRC, August, ISBN: 1-900174-29-4.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Aguado, J.C., Baylon, A., Del Rosario, L., Lim, Y.F., Veiga, J. (2005) What Seafarers think of CBT, SIRC: Cardiff University, ISBN: 1-900174-28-6.

Ellis, N. (2005) ‘Key concerns about safety at sea’, The Sea, issue 177, Sept/Oct, p 4.

Ellis, N. (2005) ‘Safety and perceptions of risk’, SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-26-X.

Ellis, N. (2004) ‘Fatigue: what’s known and what’s being done’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 172, Nov/Dec, pp 4-5.

Ellis, N., Allen, P. and Burke, A. (2003) ‘The influence of noise and motion on sleep, mood and performance of seafarers’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp 137-142. Edited by Paul McCabe, London: Taylor & Francis.

Burke, A., Ellis, N. and Allen, P. (2003) ‘The impact of work patterns on stress and fatigue among offshore worker populations’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp 131-136. Edited by Paul McCabe, London: Taylor & Francis.

Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘A cross-vessel survey of seafarers examining factors associated with fatigue’. Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, pp 125-130. Edited by Paul McCabe, London: Taylor & Francis.

Smith, A., Lane, T., Bloor, M., Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘Fatigue Offshore: Phase 2. The short sea and coastal shipping industry’. Cardiff: SIRC.


F - Back to top

Bloor, M., Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. (2010) ‘Unprepared for the worst: risks of harm for qualitative researchers’, Methodological Innovations Online, 5(1): 45-55. DOI: 10.4256/mio.2010.0009 .

Sampson, H., Bloor, M. and Fincham, B. (2008) 'A Price Worth Paying? Considering the 'Cost' of Reflexive Research Methods and the Influence of Feminist Ways of 'Doing', Sociology, 42(5): 919-933. DOI: 10.1177/0038038508094570.

Bloor, M., Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. (2007) QUALITI (NCRM) Commissioned Inquiry Into the Risk to Well-being of Researches in Qualitative Research, Cardiff: QUALITI.


G - Back to top

Galam, R. (2011) 'Navigating Lives: The Spatiotemporality of the Gender Identity, Agency and Subjectivity of Filipino Seamen's Wives', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Gekara, V.O., Sampson, H. (2021) The World of the Seafarer: qualitative accounts of working in the global shipping industry, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49825-2. 

Gekara, V. O and Snell, D. (2017) ‘Designing and delivering skills transferability and employment mobility: the challenges of a market driven vocational education and training system’, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2017.1392996

Gekara, V. O., Molla, A., Snell, D. Karanasios, S and Thomas, A. (2017) ‘Developing appropriate workforce skills for Australia’s emerging digital economy’, working paper, National Center for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Commonwealth of Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

Fairbrother, P. and Gekara, V.O. (2016) ‘Multi-Scalar Trade Unionism: Lessons from Maritime Unions’, Industrial Relations Quarterly Review, 17(4): 589-610.

Chhetri, P. Jayatilleke, G. Gekara, V. Manzoni, A. and Corbitt, B. (2016) 'Container terminal operations simulator (CTOS) - Simulating the impact of extreme weather events on port operation', European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 16(1): 195-213.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H. and Gekara, V. (2014) 'Global governance of training standards in an outsourced labor force: the training double bind in seafarer license and certification assessments', Regulation & Governance, 8(4): 455-471. DOI: 10.1111/rego.12042.

Gekara, V., Acejo, I. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Re-imaginining Global Union Representation Under Globalisation: A Case of Seafaring Labour and the Nautilus International Cross-border Merger', Global Labour Journal, 4(3): 167-185. DOI: 10.15173/glj.v4i3.1139.

Gekara, V., Bloor. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Computer-based Assessment in Safety-Critical Industries: The Case of Shipping', Journal of Vocational Education & Training63(1): 87-100. DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2010.536850.

Sampson, H., Gekara, V.O. and Bloor, M. (2011) 'Water-tight or sinking? A consideration of the standards of the contemporary assessment practices underpinning seafarer licence examinations and their implications for employers', Maritime Policy & Management, 38(1): 81-92, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2010.533713

Gekara V.O. (2010) ‘Union Renewal through Cross-border Merger; rationale, processes and challenges', The European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16(4): 385-394. DOI: 10.1177/0959680110384536.

Gekara, V. (2009) 'Understanding attrition in UK maritime education and training', Globalisation, Societies and Education, 7(2): 217-232. DOI: 10.1080/14767720902908190.

Gekara, V. (2008) 'Are there jobs for all in the shipping industry?', The Sea, Issue 195, Sep/Oct, p 4.

Gekara, V. (2008) 'Globalisation, State Strategies and the Shipping Labour Market, The UK's to Declining Seafaring Skills', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Gekara, V. (2007) 'Increasing shipping skills in the UK: 'Bursting' the industry myth of diminishing interest', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Gekara, V. (2006) 'Recruits in need of a better deal', The Sea, issue 181, May/Jun, p 4.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Gould. E., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012’, Report commissioned by Allianz which underpins their subsequent publication ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012: From Titanic to Costa Concordia, an insurer’s perspective from Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty’ available from Allianz GCS.

Gould, E. (2011) 'Personalities, Policies, and the Training of Officer Cadets', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Gould, E. (2010) 'Towards a Total Occupation: A Study of UK Merchant Navy Officer Cadetship', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.


H - Back to top
Belousov, K., Horlick-Jones, T., Bloor, M., Gilinskiy, Y., Golbert, V., Kostikovsky, Y., Levi, M. and Pentsov, D. (2007) 'Any port in a storm: fieldwork difficulties in dangerous and crisis-ridden settings', Qualitative Research, 7(2): 155-175. DOI: 10.1177/1468794107076019

J - Back to top

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814

Walters, D.R., Wadsworth, E.J.K., Sampson, H. and James, P. (2012) 'The Limits of Influence: the role of supply chains in influencing health and safety management in two sectors', report submitted to the IOSH Research Committee, reports.


K - Back to top

Kahveci, E. (2007) 'Welfare services for seafarers', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Kahveci, E. (2007) 'The maritime security code three years on', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 189, Sep/Oct.

Kahveci, E. (2007) 'Port based welfare services for seafarers', Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN 1-900174-30-8.

Kahveci, E. (2007) 'Reviewing seafarers' welfare at sea and ashore', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 186, Feb/Mar, pp 4-5.

Kahveci, E. (2006) ‘Neither at sea nor ashore: the abandoned crew of the Obo Basak’, Annuaire de droit maritime, University of Nantes, France, pp 279-320.

Kahveci, E. (2006) ‘A Union Ship is a Happy Ship’, Seafarers’ Bulletin, The Journal of the International Transport Workers’ Federation, 20, pp 34-36.

Kahveci, E. (2006) ‘Agreements Deliver’, Transport International, The Journal of the International Transport Workers’ Federation, Issue 22, January.

Kahveci, E. and Nichols, T. (2006) ‘The Other Car Workers’, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 211 pp, ISBN 1-4039-4191-2.

Kahveci, E. (2005) ‘Abandoned seafarers: the case of Obo Basak’, SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-26-X.

Kahveci, E. (2005) ‘Cargo in the wrong hands’, Transport International, The Journal of the International Transport Workers’ Federation, Issue 18, Jan-Mar, pp 17-18.

Kahveci, E. (2004) ‘Cargo handling by seafarers’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 171, Sep/Oct, pp 4-5.

Kahveci, E. (2004) ‘Work, employment and technology in the maritime car carrier industry’, Work, Employment and Society Conference, University of Manchester, 1-3 September.

Alderton, T., Bloor, M., Kahveci, E., Lane, T., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Winchester, N., Wu, B., Zhao, M. (2004) The global seafarer: living and working conditions in a globalized industry, 224 pp, ILO, Geneva, ISBN 92-2-112713-3.

Kahveci, E. (2003) ‘Are Car Carriers Different?: Seafarers’ life/work balance’, Seaways, December.

Kahveci, E. (2003) ‘Seafarers are Different? A Comparison of Car Carrier Crews and Car Factory Workers’, SIRC Symposium 2003, Cardiff University, September 19th, ISBN 1-900174-22-7.

Kahveci, E., McDaid, M., Berger, C., Feng, T.Q., Xiuyin, S., Zhao, M. and Ty, N. (2003) ‘The Sailing Chaplain & Outreach Welfare Schemes: Summary Report’, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN 1-900174-20-0.

Kahveci, E., Lane, T. and Sampson, H. (2002) ‘Transnational Seafarer Communities’, Cardiff: SIRC, March, ISBN 1-900174-17-0.

Kahveci, E. (2000) ‘Fast Turnaround Ships and their Impact on Crews’, Seaways, The International Journal of the Nautical Institute, March.

Kahveci, E. (2000) ‘Mixed Nationality Crews: Interaction on Board’, Ahoy! V(20), October-December.

Kahveci, E. (1999) ‘Fast Turnaround Ships And Their Impact On Crews’, Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN 1-900174-05-7.

Baldauf, M., Schroeder-Hinrichs, J.U., Kataria, A., Benedict, K. and Tuschling, G. (2016) ‘Multidimensional simulation in team training for safety and security in maritime transportation’, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 8(3): 197-213.

Dahlgren, A., Kecklund, G. and Akestedt, T. (2006) ‘Overtime work and its effects on sleep, sleepiness, cortisol and blood pressure in an experimental field study’, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health32(4): 318-27.

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Kitada, M. & Bhirugnath-Bhookhun, M. (2019). Beyond Business-As-Usual: The role of women professionals in maritime clusters. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 18:1–24, DOI: 10.1007/s13437-019-00178-8.

Kitada, M. & Harada, J. (2019). Progress or Regress on Gender Equality: The Case Study of Selected Transport STEM Careers and their Vocational Education and Training in Japan. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. DOI: 10.1016/j.trip.2019.100009.

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Bhirugnath-Bhookhun, M. & Kitada, M. (2017) ‘Lost in Success: Women’s maritime careers in Eastern and Southern Africa’, Palgrave Communications. doi: 10.1057/palcomms.2017.2

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Obando-Rojas, B., Welsh, I., Bloor, M., Lane, A.D., Badigannavar, V. and Maguire, M. (2004) ‘The political economy of fraud in a globalised industry: the case of seafarers' certifications’, Sociological Review, 52(3): 295-313, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00481.x.

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Obando-Rojas, B., Badigannavar, V., Lane, T., Bloor, M. and Maguire, M. (2001) ‘A study on fraudulent practices associated with certificates of competency and endorsements’, Main Report. Report commissioned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Pub 483/01, ISBN 92-801-5124-X.

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Bergantino, A.S. and Marlow, P.B. (1997) ‘An Econometric Analysis of the Decision to Flag Out - Final Report’, Cardiff: SIRC, June, ISBN 1-900174-01-0.

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Mayhew, C. (1999) 'Work-related Traumatic Deaths of British and Australian Seafarers: What are the causes and how can they be prevented?', Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN: 1-900174-11-1.

McNamara, R., Collins, A., Matthews, V. (2000) ‘A Review of Research into Fatigue in Offshore Shipping’, Maritime Review, pp. 118-122, London: Pacific Press.


N - Back to top

Nielsen, D. and Roberts, S. (1999) ‘Fatalities Among the World’s Merchant Seafarers (1990-94)’, Marine Policy, 23(1): 71-80.

Kahveci, E. and Nichols, T. (2006) ‘The Other Car Workers’, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 211 pp, ISBN 1-4039-4191-2.

O - Back to top

Obando-Rojas, B., Welsh, I., Bloor, M., Lane, A.D., Badigannavar, V. and Maguire, M. (2004) ‘The political economy of fraud in a globalised industry: the case of seafarers' certifications’, Sociological Review, 52(3): 295-313, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.2004.00481.x.

Obando-Rojas, B. (2003) ‘Increasing your employment potential’, The Sea, Issue 163, May/Jun.

Obando-Rojas, B. (2003) ‘New Jobs for Seafarers in short supply’, The Sea, Issue 162, Mar/Apr.

Obando-Rojas, B. (2003) ANAVE ‘Empleo de marinos’, April (asociacion de navieros espanoles).

Obando-Rojas, B. and Winchester, N. (2003) ‘Study into the feasibility of setting up a database for UK non-certificated officers and ratings’, Cardiff: SIRC.

Gardner B., Naim M., Obando-Rojas B. and Pettit S. (2002) ‘Maintaining the Maritime Skills Base: Does the Government have a Realistic Strategy?’ Maritime Policy & Management, 28(4): 347-360. DOI: 10.1080/03088830010005653.

Lane, A.D., Obando-Rojas, B., Wu, B. and Tasiran, A. (2002) ‘Crewing the International Merchant Fleet’, Lloyd's Register - Fairplay Ltd.

Obando-Rojas, B. (2001) ‘STCW-95: A Guide for Seafarers’, London, International Transport Federation (ITF).

Obando-Rojas, B., Badigannavar, V., Lane, T., Bloor, M. and Maguire, M. (2001) ‘A study on fraudulent practices associated with certificates of competency and endorsements’, Main Report. Report commissioned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Pub 483/01, ISBN 92-801-5124-X.

Obando-Rojas, B. (2000) ‘Certificates of Competence: A Holistic Approach to Detecting and Preventing Unlawful Practices’, Proceedings of the 3rd LSM European Manning and Training Conference, Warsaw, 15-16 May.

Obando-Rojas, B. (2000) ‘Using Crew Lists to Analyse the Global Maritime Workforce’, Proceedings of International Shipping Federation, 2000 Manning and Training Conference, London, 6 September.

Obando-Rojas, B., Gardner, B.M. and Naim, M.M. (1999) ‘A System Dynamic Analysis of Officer Manpower in the Merchant Marine’, Maritime Policy and Management, 26(1): 39-60. DOI: 10.1080/030888399287050.

Gardner, B.M., Naim, M.M., Obando-Rojas, B. and Pettit, S. (1999) ‘Submission from the Department of Maritime Studies, Cardiff University’, House of Commons Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee, The Future of the UK Shipping Industry, London: HMSO.


P - Back to top

Davies, A.J. and Parfett, M.C. (1998) ‘Seafarers and The Internet - E-mail and Seafarers' Welfare’, Cardiff: SIRC, May, ISBN 1-900174-01-8.

Parry-Langdon, N., Bloor, M., Audrey, S. and Holliday, J. (2003) ‘Process evaluation of health promotion interventions’, Policy and Politics, 31(2): 207-216, ISSN 0305 5736.

Patel, T. (1999) ‘Quality and Availability of Maritime Health Statistics’, Safety and Health Practitioner.

Patel, T. and Wickramatillake, H. (1999) ‘Analysis of Injuries and Diseases Among Australian Seafarers’, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Occupational Health, 15(1):79.

Patel, T. and Wickramatillake, H. (1999) ‘Maritime Telemedicine: The NIVEMES Project’, European Telemedicine 1998-99, R. Wooton and B. Hernandez eds., London: Kensington Publications.

Patel, T. (1998) An Analysis and Evaluation of International Maritime Medical Training Standards, Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN 1-900174-00-6.

Belousov, K., Horlick-Jones, T., Bloor, M., Gilinskiy, Y., Golbert, V., Kostikovsky, Y., Levi, M. and Pentsov, D. (2007) 'Any port in a storm: fieldwork difficulties in dangerous and crisis-ridden settings', Qualitative Research, 7(2): 155-175. DOI: 10.1177/1468794107076019.

Bloor, M., Pentsov, D., Levi, M. and Horlick-Jones, T. (2004) ‘Problems of Global Governance of Seafarers' Health and Safety’, Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-24-3.

Gardner B., Naim M., Obando-Rojas B. and Pettit S. (2002) ‘Maintaining the Maritime Skills Base: Does the Government have a Realistic Strategy?’ Maritime Policy & Management, 28(4): 347-360. DOI: 10.1080/03088830010005653.

Gardner, B. M., Naim, M. M., Obando-Rojas, B. and Pettit, S. (1999) ‘Submission from the Department of Maritime Studies, Cardiff University’, House of Commons Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee, The Future of the UK Shipping Industry, London: HMSO. 


R - Back to top

Baulk, S. and Reyner, L. (1998) ‘Fatigue in Ferry Crews: A Pilot Study’, Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN 1-900174-04-9.

Roberts, S. (2000) 'Occupational mortality among British merchant seafarers (1986-1995)', Maritime Policy and Management 27(3): 253-265. DOI: 10.1080/030888300411095.

Roberts, S. (1999) ‘Occupational Mortality Among Fishermen and Merchant Seafarers in British Vessels (1990-95)’, CIRM Research - The Medical Journal of the International Radio Medical Centre.

Nielsen, D. and Roberts, S. (1999) ‘Fatalities Among the World’s Merchant Seafarers (1990-94)’, Marine Policy, 23(1): 71-80.

Roberts, S. (1998) ‘Occupational Mortality Among British Merchant Seafarers: A Comparison Between British and Foreign Fleets' (1986-1995)’, Cardiff: SIRC, June, ISBN 1-900174-01-4.

Roberts, S. (1998) ‘Occupational Mortality Among Merchant Seafarers in the British, Singapore, and Hong Kong Fleets 1981-1995’, Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN 1-900174-02-2.


S - Back to top

Cadge, W., Turgo, N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H., Smith, G. (2023) 'The work of port chaplains: views from seafarers served', Journal of Contemporary Religion, DOI: 0.1080/13537903.2021.1986311.  

Sampson, H., Acejo, I. (2023) The port-based welfare needs of women seafarers, Cardiff: SIRC. 

Sampson, H. (2023) 'Beyond Borders: The Regulation of the Living and Working Conditions of International Seafarers' in E. Boris, H. Gottfried, J. Greene and J.C. Tham (Eds) Global Labour Migration: New Directions, University of Illinois Press.  

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2022) Scoping exercise relating to the future evaluation of evidence underpinning decision-making in the shipping industry, Cardiff: SIRC.  

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Smith, G. (2022) 'Overstretched and under-resourced': The corporate neglect of port welfare services for seafarers, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2022.2084788Shortlisted for best paper 2022/23.

Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H., Smith, G. (2022) 'Relying on the kindness of strangers: Welfare providers to seafarers and the symbolic construction of community', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, DOI: 10.1177/08912416221092001

Sampson, H. (2022) 'Beyond the State': The limits of international regulation and the example of abandoned seafarers', Marine Policy, Vol 140,  

Gilliat-Ray, S., Cadge, W., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Smith, G. (2022) 'Here today, gone tomorrow': the risks and rewards of port chaplaincy, Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2022.2039982.  

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Smith, G. (2021) Religion in multi-ethnic contexts: a multidisciplinary case study of global seafaring - Summary Report, Cardiff: SIRC.  

Ellis, N., Wadsworth, E., Sampson, H. (2021) Mapping Maritime Professionals - Towards a full-scale European data collection system, ETF & ECSA. 

Turgo, N., Sampson, H. (2021) 'What is immediate and obvious feels real': National identify and emotional vulnerabilities in the field, Methodological Innovations, DOI: 10.1177/20597991211035526

Smith, G., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H. (2021) 'A working Theology: An Evaluation of the Popular Beliefs of Roman Catholic Filipino Seafarers', Practical Theology, DOI: 10.1080/1756073X.2021.1951945

Gekara, V.O., Sampson, H. (2021) The World of the Seafarer: qualitative accounts of working in the global shipping industry, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-49825-2. 

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2020) 'Stepping up: the need for Proactive Employer Investment in Safeguarding Seafarers' Mental Health and Wellbeing, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2020.1867918.  

Poulsen, R.T., Sampson, H. (2020) 'A swift turnaround? Abating shipping greenhouse gas emissions via port call optimization', Transportation Research Part D, Vol 86, DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2020.102460

Sampson, H. et al (2020) ‘Harmony of the Seas?: Work, faith and religious difference among multinational migrant workers on board cargo ships’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43:16 (287-305), DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1776362.

Helen Sampson and Neil Ellis, (2019) Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing, IOSH, November. 

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2019) Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing, Full Report, IOSH. 

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2019) Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing, Summary Report, IOSH.

Poulsen, R.T., Sampson, H. (2019) 'Swinging on the anchor': The difficulties in achieving greenhouse gas abatement in shipping via virtual arrival', Transportation Research Part D, 73: 230-244, DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.07.007.

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2019) 'Between a rock and a hard place': the implications of lost autonomy and trust for professionals at sea, Work, Employment and Society, 33(4): 648-665, DOI: 10.1177/0950017018821284

Sampson, H., Ellis, N. (2019) 'Fatalities and injuries among seafarers in the period 2000-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, February, ISBN: 1-900174-52-9.

Sampson, H. & Johannessen, I. (2019) 'Turning on the Tap: The benefits of using 'real life' vignettes in qualitative research interviews', Qualitative Research, ?1-17, DOI: 10.1177/1468794118816618

Sampson, H. (2018) Trabalhadores marítimos internacionais e transnacionalismo no século XXI.Translated into Portuguese by Fernando Ramalho Martins, Unicamp Press, ISBN 978-85-268-1476-9.

Sampson, H. (2018) Review of 'Environment, labour and capitalism at sea: 'Working the ground' in Scotland' by Penny McCall Howard, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 00: 3-4.

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2018), 'The causes of maritime accidents in the period 2002-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-51-0.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, I., Turgo, N., Tang, L. (2018) 'The working and living conditions of seafarers on cargo ships in the period 2011-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-20-2.

Sampson, H. (2018) 'Patterns in Horse-Human Relationships: The Case of Wales', Society and Animals, 26: 1-24.  DOI: 10.1163/15685306-12341506.

Sampson, H. and Turgo, N. (2018) 'Finding the way in to a global industry! The usefulness of elite events to social science researchers' Journal of Organizational Ethnography, DOI 10.1108/JOE-04-2017-0022

Sampson, H. (2017) 'Fluid fields' and the dynamics of risk in social research, Qualitative Research, DOI: 10.1177/1468794117746085.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, A., Turgo, N. (2017) 'Changes in seafarers' health 2011-2016: A summary report', Cardiff: SIRC, July, ISBN: 1-900174-49-9.

Sampson, H. (2016) '"Seabirds Matter More Than Us!" Understanding the Complex Exercise of CSR in the Global Shipping Industry'Journal of Sustainable Mobility, 3(2): 101-119. DOI 10.9774/GLEAF.23502016de.00007. 

Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2016) ‘Keeping your seat warm’: the role of seafarers’ wives in the maintenance of social status and societal place', in Qingwen Xu and Lucy Jordan (eds) Migrant workers: Social Identity, Occupational Challenges and Health Practices, New York: Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-63485-301-9 (e-book), Part III (9), pp 137-154.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The use of mandatory equipment on board cargo ships: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-74-2.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The relationships between seafarers and shore-side personnel: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-48-0.

James, P., Walters, D., Sampson, H. and Wadsworth, E. (2016) ‘Supply Chain leverage and Regulating Health and Safety Management in Shipping’, Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 71(1): 33-56, DOI: 10.7202/1035901ar.

James, P., Walters, D., Sampson, H. and Wadsworth, E. (2015) 'Regulating the employment dynamics of domestic supply chains', Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(4): 526-543. DOI: 10.1177/0022185615582235 (Special Issue) Supply Chains, HRM and Labour Standards). 

Sampson, H. (2015) Report to RMT ‘Maritime Futures: Jobs & Training for UK Ratings’ January.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. (2015) 'Enforcement Issues in the Governance of Ships’ Carbon Emissions'. Laws, 4(3): 335-351. DOI:10.3390/laws4030335. (Special Issue Climate Change and International Economic Law: Chiasms and Complementarities, 24 July 2015).

Sampson, H., Bloor, M., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2016) 'Greener shipping? A consideration of the issues associated with the introduction of emission control areas', Maritime Policy & Management, 43(3): 295-308. DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2015.1040862.     

Sampson, H. and Ellis, N. (2015) 'Elusive corporate social responsibility (CSR) in global shipping'. Journal of Global Responsibility, 6(1): 80-89. DOI 10.1108/JGR-08-2014-0028

Sampson, H. (2014) International seafarers and transnationalism in the twenty-first century, ISBN 978-0-7190-9553-5, Paperback.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2014) 'The instrumental use of technical doubts: Technological controversies, investment decisions and air pollution controls in the global shipping industry' Science and Public Policy, 41(2): 234-244. DOI: 10.1093/scipol/sct050.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H. and Gekara, V. (2014) 'Global governance of training standards in an outsourced labor force: the training double bind in seafarer license and certification assessments', Regulation & Governance, 8(4): 455-471. DOI: 10.1111/rego.12042.

Gekara, V., Acejo, I. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Re-imaginining Global Union Representation Under Globalisation: A Case of Seafaring Labour and the Nautilus International Cross-border Merger', Global Labour Journal, 4(3): 167-185. DOI: 10.15173/glj.v4i3.1139.

Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Accommodation and Welfare on Contemporary Cargo Ships', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Walters, D. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Supply Chain Leverage and Health and Safety Management in Shipping – The Case of the Container Trade' SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) 'The Governance of Ships’ Sulphur Emissions: Issues of Enforcement and Equal Treatment' SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L.,  and Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2013) 'The Use of Mandatory Equipment On-board', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Understanding the Relationships Between Ship and Shore Personnel', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Sampson, H., Bailey, N. and Ellis, N. (2013) '‘Walking the Talk’: How Companies Succeed in Managing Risk at Sea', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Tang, L., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Turgo, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Behind the Headlines? An Analysis of Accident Investigation Reports', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions’, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN: 1-900174-44-8.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) ‘Issues in the Enforcement of Future International Regulations on Ships’ Carbon Emissions’, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN: 1-900174-45-6.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814.

Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S. and Dahlgren, K. (2013) 'Useful but no Oracle: reflections on the use of a Delphi Group in a multi-methods policy research study', Qualitative Research, 15(1): 57-70. DOI: 10.1177/1468794113504103.  

Sampson, H. (2013) 'Globalisation, Labour Market Transformation and Migrant Marginalisation: the Example of Transmigrant Seafarers in Germany'. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14(4): 751-765. DOI 10.1007/s12134-012-0266-0

Sampson, H. (2013) International seafarers and transnationalism in the twenty-first century, Manchester: Manchester University Press (MUP), ISBN 9780719088681.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2013) ‘Lone Researchers at Sea: Gender, Risk and Responsibility’, Barry Smart, Kay Peggs, Joseph Burridge, (eds.) Observation Methods: Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, London: Sage, ISBN: 978-1-4462-0811-3, pp 165-189.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) 'Seafarer Accommodation on Contemporary Cargo Ships', Cardiff: SIRC, December, ISBN: 1-900174-43-X.

Sampson H. and Bloor, M. (2012) 'The effectiveness of Global Regulation in the shipping industry: a critical case study', Revista Latino-americana de Estudos do Trabalho (RELET), 17(28): 45-72.

Walters, D.R., Wadsworth, E.J.K., Sampson, H. and James, P. (2012) 'The Limits of Influence: the role of supply chains in influencing health and safety management in two sectors', report submitted to the IOSH Research Committee,

Tang, L. and Sampson, H. (2012) 'The interaction between mass media and the Internet in non-democratic states: the case of China', Media Culture & Society, 34(4): 457-471.

Sampson, H. (2012) ‘Technology at sea goes global’, ITF Seafarers’ Bulletin (26), pp 17-18.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Gould. E., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012’, Report commissioned by Allianz which underpins their subsequent publication ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012: From Titanic to Costa Concordia, an insurer’s perspective from Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty’ available from Allianz GCS.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson H. (2012) 'Exploring differences in perceptions of risk, and its management, amongst personnel directly associated with the operation of ships', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN 1-900174-42-1.

Bloor, M., Baker, S., Sampson, H. and Dalhgren, K. (2012) 'Effectiveness of international regulation of pollution controls: the case of the governance of ship emissions - Interim Report', Cardiff: SIRC, December.

Bloor, M., Baker, S. and Sampson, H. (2011) Written evidence to the House of Commons Transport Select Committee Inquiry on Sulphur Emissions by Ships. London, UK: House of Commons Transport Select Committee Inquiry.

Sampson, H. and Tang, L. (2011) 'New Shipboard Technology and Training Provision for Seafarers', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN 1-900174-41-3.

Sampson, H. (2011) 'Spilling oil, spilling blood: Cost and corporate decision making concerning safe working practices', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 9(1): 17-32. DOI: 10.1080/14774003.2011.11667754.

Gekara, V., Bloor. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Computer-based Assessment in Safety-Critical Industries: The Case of Shipping', Journal of Vocational Education & Training63(1): 87-100. DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2010.536850.

Sampson, H., Gekara, V.O. and Bloor, M. (2011) 'Water-tight or sinking? A consideration of the standards of the contemporary assessment practices underpinning seafarer licence examinations and their implications for employers', Maritime Policy & Management, 38(1): 81-92, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2010.533713.

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N. and Wadsworth, E. (2011) 'The Health and Self-medication Practices of Seafarers', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Living and Working Conditions in the Large Yacht Sector', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H. and Wadsworth, E. (2011) 'Fatalities at Sea', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Tang, L. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Training and Technology: Findings from the Questionnaire Study', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'Safety and Perceptions of Risk: A Comparison Between Respondent Perceptions and Recorded Accident Data', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-38-3.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'SIRC Report to the PYA on Living and Working Conditions Aboard Yachts', commissioned by the Professional Yachtsmen's Association, Cardiff: SIRC, August. 

Bloor, M., Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. (2010) ‘Unprepared for the worst: risks of harm for qualitative researchers’, Methodological Innovations Online, 5(1): 45-55. DOI: 10.4256/mio.2010.0009.

Ellis, N., Bloor, M. and Sampson, H. (2010) 'Patterns of Seafarer Injuries', Maritime Policy & Management, 37(2): 121-128. DOI: 10.1080/03088830903533742.

Bloor, M. and Sampson, H. (2009) 'Regulatory enforcement of labour standards in an outsourcing industry: the case of the shipping industry', Work Employment and Society23(4): 711-726. DOI: 10.1177/0950017009344915.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2008) 'Training and Technology Onboard Ship: How seafarers learned to use the shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS)', Cardiff: SIRC, July, ISBN: 1-900174-34-0.

Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2008) 'The Global Labour Market for Seafarers: Working Aboard Merchant Cargo Ships 2003', Cardiff: SIRC, June, ISBN: 1-900174-35-9.

Sampson, H. (2008) 'Speaking up for better on-board welfare', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 191, Jan/Feb pp 4-5.

Sampson, H., Bloor, M. and Fincham, B. (2008) 'A Price Worth Paying? Considering the 'Cost' of Reflexive Research Methods and the Influence of Feminist Ways of 'Doing', Sociology, 42(5): 919-933. DOI: 10.1177/0038038508094570.

Sampson, H. (2008) Review of ‘Flagging Standards – Globalisation and Environmental, Safety, and Labour Regulations at Sea’ by Elisabeth R. DeSombre. The MIT Press, London, 2006, xi +308 pp., ISBN 0 262 54190 4 in British Journal of Industrial Relations (BJIR) an International Journal of Employment Relations, 46, 4, 822-823, ISSN 0007-1080 (print), 1467- 8543 (online),

Sampson, H. and Bloor, M. (2007) 'When Jack gets out the box: the problems of regulating a global industry', Sociology, 41(3): 551-569. DOI: 10.1177/0038038507076623.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2007) 'Perceptions of Risk in the Maritime Industry: Personal Injury', Cardiff: SIRC, October , ISBN: 1-900174-32-4.

Sampson, H. and Wu, B. (2007) ‘Thoughts on safety: the views of Chinese seafarers’, SIRC Symposium 2007, Cardiff University, 4-5 July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Sampson, H. (2007) ‘Seafaring: A Third World Occupation?’, Proceedings of the 10th European Manning and Training Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-24 May.

Bloor, M., Fincham, B. and Sampson, H. (2007) QUALITI (NCRM) Commissioned Inquiry Into the Risk to Well-being of Researchers in Qualitative Research, Cardiff: QUALITI.

Sampson, H. (2003) ‘Transnational drifters or hyperspace dwellers: an exploration of the lives of Filipino seafarers aboard and ashore’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26(2): 253-277, reproduced in H Beynon and T Nichols (Eds) (2006) Patterns of Work in the Post Fordist Era, Fordism and Post-Fordism, Volume II, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp 612-636, ISBN 1-84542-324-0.

Sampson, H. (2006) 'Why we should talk about swimming pools', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 184, Nov/Dec pp 4-5.

Sampson, H. (2006) 'Learning at sea', The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 179, Jan/Feb, pp 4-5.

Sampson, H. and Schroeder, T. (2006) ‘In the wake of the wave: globalization, networks, and the experiences of transmigrant seafarers in northern Germany’, Global Networks, 6(1): 61-80.

Bailey, N., Ellis, N. and Sampson, H. (2006) 'Perceptions of Risk in the Maritime Industry: Ship Casualty', Cardiff: SIRC, August, ISBN: 1-900174-29-4.

Winchester, N., Sampson, H. and Shelly, T. (2006) An Analysis of Crewing Levels: Findings from the SIRC Global Labour Market Study, Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN: 1-900174-27-8.

Sampson, H. (2005) ‘Left high and dry? The lives of women married to seafarers in Goa and Mumbai’, Ethnography, 6(1): 61-85.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Aguado, J.C., Baylon, A., Del Rosario, L., Lim, Y.F., Veiga, J. (2005) What Seafarers think of CBT, SIRC: Cardiff University, ISBN: 1-900174-28-6.

Wu, B. and Sampson, H. (2005) ‘Reconsidering the Cargo Sector’s Seafarer Labor Market: A 21st Century Profile of Global Seafarers’, Ocean Yearbook, 19(1): 357-380.

Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2005) ‘Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life’, International Maritime Transport: Perspectives, edited by H Leggate, J McConville, A Morvillo, Routledge, January 2005, pp 89-109.

Sampson, H. (2004) ‘Global wages for global workers’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 167, Jan/Feb, pp 4-5.

Sampson, H. (2004) ‘Navigating the waves: the usefulness of a pilot in qualitative research’, Qualitative Research, 4(3): 383-402, ISSN 1468 7941 404 7236.

Sampson, H. (2004) ‘Romantic rhetoric, revisionist reality: the effectiveness of regulation in maritime education and training’, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 56(2): 245-267, ISSN 1363-6820.

Alderton, T., Bloor, M., Kahveci, E., Lane, T., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Winchester, N., Wu, B., Zhao, M. (2004) The global seafarer: living and working conditions in a globalized industry, 224 pp, ILO, Geneva, ISBN 92-2-112713-3.

Sampson, H. (2003) ‘Authority and Accidents: The role of power relations and social interaction in accidents and incidents at sea’, Seaways, pp 4-7.

Sampson, H. (2003) ‘Equal Training in an Unequal World: an exploration of global MET standards’ SIRC Symposium 2003, Cardiff University, September 19th, ISBN 1-900174-22-7.

Sampson, H., (2003) ‘Powerful unions vulnerable workers: the representation of seafarers in the global labour market’, Brazilian Congress of Anthropologists and Sociologists (ANPOCS), 21-15 October.

Sampson, H. (2003) ‘The Global Provision of MET’, SIRC-Singapore Symposium 2003, November 20th, ISBN 1-900174-23-5.

Sampson, H. (2003) ‘The Results of a Pilot Study on the Global provision of MET’, 5th LSM Asia-Pacific Manning and Training Conference (Manila), London: LSM.

Sampson, H. (2003) ‘Transnational drifters or Hyperspace dwellers: an exploration of the lives of Filipino seafarers aboard and ashore’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26(2): 253-277.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2003) ‘Lone Researchers at Sea: gender, risk and responsibility’, Qualitative Research, 3(2): 165-189, ISSN 1468-7941.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2003) ‘The Social Isolation of Seafarers: Causes, Effects, and Remedies’, International Maritime Health, 54(1-4): 58-67, ISSN 1641 9251.

Sampson, H. and Wu, B. (2003) ‘Compressing Time and Constraining Space: The Contradictory Effects of ICT and Containerization on International Shipping Labour’, International Review of Social History, 48, Supplement, pp 123-152, ISBN 0521 543 533.

Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2003) ‘Multilingual crews: communication and the operation of ships’, World Englishes, 22(1): 31-43, ISSN 0883 2919.

Belcher, P., Sampson H., Thomas M., Veiga J. and Zhao M. (2003) Women Seafarers:Global employment policies and practices, Geneva: International Labour Office, ISBN 92-2-113491-1.

Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2003) ‘Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life’, Maritime Policy and Management, 30(1): 59-76. DOI: 10.1080/0308883032000051630.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2002) ‘Health and Safety at Sea: Social Factors a Neglected Dimension’, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors on Board (ISHFOB), Bremen, ISBN 3-00-008365-0.

Kahveci, E., Lane, T. and Sampson, H. (2002) ‘Transnational Seafarer Communities’, Cardiff: SIRC, March, ISBN 1-900174-17-0.

Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2001) ‘Behind the Scenes: Seafaring and Family Life’, SIRC Symposium Proceedings 2001, Cardiff, SIRC, 117-143, ISBN 1-900174-16-2.

Sampson, H. (2000) ‘Choosing the Right Blend of Crew’, Proceedings of LSM Manning and Training in India, 21-22 November.
Sampson, H. and Schroeder, T. (2006) ‘In the wake of the wave: globalization, networks, and the experiences of transmigrant seafarers in northern Germany’, Global Networks, 6(1): 61-80, ISSN 1470-2266.

Senu, A. (2018) 'The global assemblage of multi-centred stowaway governance',

Shan, D. and Lippel, K. (2019). Occupational health and safety challenges from employment-related geographical mobility among Canadian seafarers on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 29(3): 371-396

Zhang, P., Shan, D., Zhao, M. and Pryce-Roberts, N. (2019). Navigating seafarer’s right to life across the shipping industry. Marine Policy, 99: 80-86.

Shan, D. (2017) ‘Workplace Death at Sea: Chinese Surviving Families’ Experiences of Compensation Claims’, Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations. 72 -1, 2017, 125-148.

Gang, C. and Shan, D. (2017) ‘Seafarers’ Access to Jurisdictions over Labour Matters’, Marine Policy. 77 (2017) 1-8.

Shan, D. (2017) ‘The Review of Maritime Labour Policies in the United Kingdom’ World Shipping. 7 (2017) 1-8. (In Chinese)

Shan, D. (2017) Book review of ‘Cathryn Costello and Mark Freedland, Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour Law’. Work, Employment & Society, 31(3), 560-561 [A rating journal by the Australian Business Deans Council]

Tang, L., Shan, D. and Yang, P. (2016) 'Workers' rights defence on China's internet: an analysis of actors'. Information, Communication & Society, 19(8): 1171-1186.

Wu, B., Shen, G. and Li, L. (2007) 'The Transformation of the Chinese Labour Market for Seafarers', Cardiff: SIRC, ISBN 1-900174-33-2.

Zhao, M., Shi, X. and Feng, T. (2003) The Political Commissar and His Shipmates Aboard Chinese Merchant Ships, Beijing: Social Sciences Publishing House, 460 pp, ISBN 7-80190-172-X/D-061.

Smith, A., Lane, T., Bloor, M., Allen, P., Burke, A. and Ellis, N. (2003) ‘Fatigue Offshore: Phase 2. The short sea and coastal shipping industry’. Cardiff: SIRC.


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Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2019) 'Between a rock and a hard place': the implications of lost autonomy and trust for professionals at sea, Work, Employment and Society, 1-18, DOI: 10.1177/0950017018821284

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2018), 'The causes of maritime accidents in the period 2002-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-51-0.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, I., Turgo, N., Tang, L. (2018) 'The working and living conditions of seafarers on cargo ships in the period 2011-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-20-2.

Tang, L. & Zhang, P. (2019) Global problems, local solutions: Unfree labour relations and seafarer employment with crewing agencies in China Industrial Relations Journal, 50(3): 277-291.

Xue, C. X. and Tang, L. (2019) Organisational support and safety management in shipping: A study of shipboard safety supervision. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 30(4): 549-565

Xue, C., Tang, L. and Walters, D. (2019) OHS Indicators and Under-reporting: Case Studies in Chinese Shipping. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 74(1): 141-161

Tang, L., Shan, D. and Yang, P. (2016) 'Workers' rights defence on China's internet: an analysis of actors'. Information, Communication & Society, 19(8): 1171-1186.

Zhao, Z., Jepsen, J. R. and Tang, L. (2016) 'The reform of Chinese state-owned ship crewing agencies and implications for China's seafaring labour export'. Maritime Policy & Management, 43(6): 737-747. DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2016.1169450.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The use of mandatory equipment on board cargo ships: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-74-2.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The relationships between seafarers and shore-side personnel: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-48-0.

Abila, S.S. and Tang, L. (2014) ‘Trauma, post-trauma, and support in the shipping industry: The experience of Filipino seafarers after pirate attacksMarine Policy, 46(2014): 132-136. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.01.012.

Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2013) 'The Use of Mandatory Equipment On-board', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Understanding the Relationships Between Ship and Shore Personnel', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Tang, L., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Turgo, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Behind the Headlines? An Analysis of Accident Investigation Reports', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Middle Managers' Role in Safeguarding OHS: The Case of The Shipping Industry', Safety Science, 51(1): 63-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2012.05.015.

Tang, L. (2012) '"In the name of love": Learning through online support', Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 18(4): 465-472, November (Published online doi: 10.1177/0143831X12439760).

Bhattacharya, S. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Fatigued for Safety? Supply Chain Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives in Shipping', Economic & Industrial Democracy, 34(3): 383-399. DOI: 10.1177/0143831X12439760.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) 'Seafarer Accommodation on Contemporary Cargo Ships', Cardiff: SIRC, December, ISBN: 1-900174-43-X.

, L. (2012) ‘Waiting together: Seafarer-Partners in Cyberspace’, Time & Society, 21(2): 223-240.

Tang, L. (2012) ‘Online Friendship’, in Yan, Z. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, pp. 412-421, Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Tang, L. 
and Sampson, H. (2012) 'The interaction between mass media and the Internet in non-democratic states: the case of China', Media Culture & Society, 34(4): 457-471.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Gould. E., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012’, Report commissioned by Allianz which underpins their subsequent publication ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012: From Titanic to Costa Concordia, an insurer’s perspective from Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty’ available from Allianz GCS.

Tang, L. and Bhattacharya, S. (2011) 'Power and Resistance: A Case Study of Satire on the Internet', Sociological Research Online 16(2): 11-20.

Sampson, H. and Tang, L. (2011) 'New Shipboard Technology and Training Provision for Seafarers', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN 1-900174-41-3.

Tang, L. and Sampson, H. (2011) 'Training and Technology: Findings from the Questionnaire Study', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Tang, L. and Yang, P. (2011) 'Symbolic Power and the Internet: the Power of a ‘Horse’, Media, Culture & Society, 33(5): 675-692.

Tang, L. (2010) 'Empowering or Disempowering: Online Support among Seafarer-Partners', Sociological Research Online, 15(2): 6.

Tang, L. (2010) ‘Development of Online Friendship in Different Social Spaces: A Case Study’, Information, Communication & Society13(4): 615-633.

Tang, L. (2009) ‘Shaping feelings in Cyberspace: the Case of Chinese Seafarer-Partners’, Emotion, Space and Society, 2(2): 104-110, ISSN 1755-4586.

Tang, L. (2009) ‘Training and technology: potential issues for shipping’, SIRC Symposium 2009, Cardiff University, 8-9 July, ISBN 1-900174-36-7.

Tang, L. (2007) 'Coping with Separation, Chinese Seafarer-Partners in Cyberspace', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Tang, L. (2007) 'The 'presence' of absent seafarers: Predicaments of Chinese seafarer-partners', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-31-6.

Tang, L. (2006) 'On-line support and help for seafarers' partners', The sea, issue 180, Mar/Apr, p 4.

Thomas, M., Bloor, M. and Little, K. (2013) 'Sexual risk among female workers on cruise ships', WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 12(1): 87-97.DOI 10.1007/s13437-013-0037-6

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2013)Lone Researchers at Sea: Gender, Risk and Responsibility’, Barry Smart, Kay Peggs, Joseph Burridge, (eds.) Observation Methods: Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, London: Sage, ISBN:  978-1-4462-0811-3, pp 165-189.

Thomas, M. and Bailey, N. (2009) ‘Out of Time: Work, Temporal Synchrony and families’. Sociology, 43(4): 613-630. DOI: 10.1177/0038038509105411.

Thomas, M. and Bailey, N. (2006) 'Square pegs in round holes? Leave periods and role displacement in UK-based seafaring families', Work Employment and Society, 20(1): 129-149. DOI:10.1177/0950017006061277.

Thomas, M. and Bailey, N. (2006) 'Square pegs in round holes? Leave periods and role displacement in UK-based seafaring families', Work, Employment and Society, 20 (1): 129-149.

Thomas, M. (2005) ‘Improving access to health care’, The Sea, issue 176, July/Aug, p 4.

Thomas, M. (2005) ‘The Sexual Health of Cruise Ships Crews’, SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, July, ISBN 1-900174-26-X.

Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2005) ‘Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life, International Maritime Transport:Perspectives, edited by H Leggate, J McConville, A Morvillo, Routledge, January 2005, pp 89-109.

Thomas, M. (2004) ‘All in a day’s work for seafarers?’, The Sea, London: Mission to Seafarers, Issue 170, Jul/Aug, pp 4-5.

Thomas, M. (2004) ‘Get yourself a proper job girlie!’: recruitment, retention and women seafarers’, Maritime Policy & Management, 31(4): 309-318, ISSN 0308-8839.

Alderton, T., Bloor, M., Kahveci, E., Lane, T., Sampson, H., Thomas, M., Winchester, N., Wu, B., Zhao, M. (2004) The global seafarer: living and working conditions in a globalized industry, 224 pp, ILO, Geneva, ISBN 92-2-112713-3.

Jensen, O.C., Sørensen, J.F.L., Canals, M.L., Hu, Y.P., Nicolic, N. and Thomas, M. (2004) ‘Incidence of self-reported occupational injuries in seafaring - an international study’, Occupational Medicine, 54(8): 548 – 555, ISSN 0962-7480.

Thomas, M. (2003) ‘Get Yourself a Proper Job Girlie’: Women Seafarers, recruitment and retention’. SIRC Symposium 2003, Cardiff University, September 19th, ISBN 1-900174-22-7.

Thomas, M. (2003) ‘Lost at Home and Lost at Sea: the Predicament of Seafaring Families’. Cardiff: SIRC. ISBN 1-900174-18-9.

Thomas, M. (2003) ‘Recruitment and retention: bringing families into the picture’ ANAVE (Associacion de Navieros Espanoles) Bulletin, April: pp 10-13. (In Spanish).

Thomas, M. (2003) ‘The sexual health of women working on board cruise ships’, Health Education Journal, 62(2): 293-303, ISSN 0017 8969.

Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M. (2003) ‘Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life’, Maritime Policy and Management, 30(1): 59-76. DOI: 10.1080/0308883032000051630.

Belcher, P., Sampson H., Thomas M., Veiga J. and Zhao M. (2003) Women Seafarers: Global employment policies and practices, Geneva: International Labour Office, ISBN 92-2-113491-1.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2003) ‘Lone Researchers at Sea: gender, risk and responsibility’, Qualitative Research, 3(2): 165-189, ISSN 1468-7941.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2003) ‘The Social Isolation of Seafarers: Causes, Effects, and Remedies’, International Maritime Health, 54(1-4): 58-67, ISSN 1641 9251.

Sampson, H. and Thomas, M. (2002) ‘Health and Safety at Sea: Social Factors a Neglected Dimension’, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors on Board (ISHFOB), Bremen, ISBN 3-00-008365-0.

Thomas, M., Sampson, H. and Zhao, M., (2001) ‘Behind the Scenes: Seafaring and Family Life’, SIRC Symposium Proceedings 2001, Cardiff: SIRC, pp 117-143, ISBN 1-900174-16-2.

Bloor, M., Lane, A.D. and Thomas, M. (2000) ‘Health Risks in the Global Shipping Industry: An Overview’, Health, Risk & Society, 2(3): 329-340. DOI: 10.1080/713670163.

Turgo, N. (2023) The ship as home: Homemaking practices amongst Filipino seafarers at sea, Mobilities, DOI: 0.1080/17450101.2023.2257396.

Cadge, W., Turgo, N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H., Smith, G. (2023) 'The work of port chaplains: views from seafarers served', Journal of Contemporary Religion, DOI: 0.1080/13537903.2021.1986311

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Smith, G. (2022) 'Overstretched and under-resourced': The corporate neglect of port welfare services for seafarers, Maritime Policy & Management, DOI: 10.1080/03088839.2022.2084788Shortlisted for best paper 2022/23.

Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H., Smith, G. (2022) 'Relying on the kindness of strangers: Welfare providers to seafarers and the symbolic construction of community', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, DOI: 10.1177/08912416221092001.

Gilliat-Ray, S., Cadge, W., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Smith, G. (2022) 'Here today, gone tomorrow': the risks and rewards of port chaplaincy, Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2022.2039982. 

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Smith, G. (2021) Religion in multi-ethnic contexts: a multidisciplinary case study of global seafaring - Summary Report, Cardiff: SIRC.  

Turgo, N., Sampson, H. (2021) 'What is immediate and obvious feels real': National identify and emotional vulnerabilities in the field, Methodological Innovations, DOI: 10.1177/20597991211035526.

Smith, G., Turgo, N., Cadge, W., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sampson, H. (2021) 'A working Theology: An Evaluation of the Popular Beliefs of Roman Catholic Filipino Seafarers', Practical Theology, DOI: 10.1080/1756073X.2021.1951945

Turgo, N. (2021) Manning the waves: Masculinity shift amongst Filipino seafarers in the age of precarity, Gender Work Organ., 1–17, DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12710.

Turgo, N. (2020) 'Temporalities at sea: Fast time and slow time onboard ocean-going merchant vessels, Ethnography, DOI: 10.1177/1466138120923371

Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2019) 'Between a rock and a hard place': the implications of lost autonomy and trust for professionals at sea, Work, Employment and Society, 1-18, DOI: 10.1177/0950017018821284.

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L. (2018), 'The causes of maritime accidents in the period 2002-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, November, ISBN: 1-900174-51-0.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, I., Turgo, N., Tang, L. (2018) 'The working and living conditions of seafarers on cargo ships in the period 2011-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, October, ISBN: 1-900174-20-2.

Sampson, H. and Turgo, N. (2018) 'Finding the way in to a global industry! The usefulness of elite events to social science researchers' Journal of Organizational Ethnography, DOI 10.1108/JOE-04-2017-0022.  

Turgo, N. (2017) 'Why selfie matters in the maritime industry?' AMET Maritime Journal, pp4-11 

Turgo, N. (2017) ‘Sina Gat Uban at Horacio dela Costa sa Mauban: Mga Paghahanap sa Tanawin Tungo sa Pagbubuo ng Lokal na Kasaysayan at Pambayang Identidad (Gat Uban and Horacio dela Costa in Mauban: Landscape as Embodiment of Local History and Identity’, Malay 30(1), pp. 1-17.

Turgo, N. (2017) "Amoy isda": the middle class life of market fishmongers. AghamTao 25(2), pp. 201-230.

Turgo, N. (2017) ‘Doon po sa Mauba’y, ang mga bangka’y, nagkakarera’y’: The politics of the production of Maubanog Festival. Philippine Social Sciences Review. 69(1), pp. 1-23.

Turgo, N. (2017) Mga Kumbati ng Pagbalikwas: Mga Salimbayang Naratibo ng Pagtanggi sa Planta ng Koryente sa Mauban, 1996–2004 (Discourses of Counter-Memory: Narratives of Opposition to the Power Plant in Mauban, 1996-2004). 4, pp. 87-100. 

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Acejo, A., Turgo, N. (2017) 'Changes in seafarers' health 2011-2016: A summary report', Cardiff: SIRC, July, ISBN: 1-900174-49-9.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The use of mandatory equipment on board cargo ships: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-74-2.

Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Tang, L. and Turgo, N. (2016) 'The relationships between seafarers and shore-side personnel: An outline report based on research undertaken in the period 2012-2016', Cardiff: SIRC, April, ISBN: 1-900174-48-0.

Turgo, N. (2016) ‘The kinship of everyday need: relatedness and survival in a Philippine fishing community’, South East Asia Research, 24(1): 61-75.

Turgo, N. (2016) 'Laway lang ang kapital' (Saliva as capital): Social embeddedness of market practices in brokerage houses in the Philippines, Journal of Rural Studies, 43: 83-93.

Turgo, N. (2013) '‘Here, we don't just trade goods, we also “sell” people's lives’: Sari-sari stores as nodes of partial surveillance in a Philippine fishing community', Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 34(3): 373-389.

Turgo, N., Ellis, N., Tang, L., Sampson, H. and Acejo, I. (2013) 'The Use of Mandatory Equipment On-board', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Turgo, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Ellis, N. and Tang, L. (2013) 'Understanding the Relationships Between Ship and Shore Personnel', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Tang, L., Acejo, I., Ellis, N., Turgo, N. and Sampson, H. (2013) 'Behind the Headlines? An Analysis of Accident Investigation Reports', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 3-4 July, ISBN 1-900174-46-4.

Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Acejo, I., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) 'Seafarer Accommodation on Contemporary Cargo Ships', Cardiff: SIRC, December, ISBN: 1-900174-43-X.

Turgo, N. (2012) 'Bugabug ang dagat (Rough seas)": Experiencing Foucault's heterotopia in fish trading houses', Social Science Diliman, 8(1): 31-62.

Turgo, N. (2012) ‘I know him so well’: Contracting/tual ‘insiderness’ and Maintaining Access and Rapport in a Philippine Fishing Community, Sociological Research Online, 17(3): 18-31.

Turgo, N. (2012) 'A ‘balikbayan’ in the field: scaling and (re) producing insider’s identity in a Philippine fishing community', Qualitative Research, 12(6): 666-685.

Sampson, H., Ellis, N., Gould. E., Tang, L., Turgo, N. and Zhao, Z. (2012) Safety and Shipping 1912-2012’, Report commissioned by Allianz which underpins their subsequent publication ‘Safety and Shipping 1912-2012: From Titanic to Costa Concordia, an insurer’s perspective from Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty’ available from Allianz GCS.

Wadsworth, E.J.K., Marsh, K.L., Turgo N. and Walters, D.R. (2011) ‘Supply chain management for health and safety’, [Online], London 2012 website [October 2011].

Acejo, I., Sampson, H., Turgo, N. and Wadsworth, E. (2011) 'The Health and Self-medication Practices of Seafarers', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

Turgo, N. (2010) '"Bugabug ang Dagat": Local Life in a Fishing Community in the Philippines', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

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Ellis, N., Sampson, H., Aguado, J.C., Baylon, A., Del Rosario, L., Lim, Y.F., Veiga, J. (2005) What Seafarers think of CBT, SIRC: Cardiff University, ISBN: 1-900174-28-6.

Wu, B. and Veiga, J. (2004) ‘EU seafarer careers: Impact of EU enlargement on the seafaring labour market’, Seaways: the International Journal of Nautical Institute, July, pp 24-27, ISSN 0144-1019.

Veiga, J. (2003) ‘2003 World Maritime Day – Committed People Working for Safe, Secure and Clean Seas’. Paper published in: MAR Supplement: October-December, pp 13-17, ISSN 0874-5846.

Veiga, J. (2003) ‘Committed people working for safe, secure and clean seas’, The Celebration of 2003 IMO World Maritime Day, Conference Proceeding, p 13-17, Lisbon, 25 September.

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Bloor, M., Sampson, H., Baker, S., Walters, D., Dahlgren, K., Wadsworth, E. and James, P. (2013) 'Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry', Social & Legal Studies, 22(2): 171-189. DOI: 10.1177/0964663912467814.

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Walters, D., Bhattacharya, S. and Xue, C. (2011) 'Managing Health and Safety Through the Supply Chain: A Case Study of Supply Chain Influence in the Shipping Industry', SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, 6-7 July, ISBN 1-900174-39-1.

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