Articles in The Sea
If reproducing any of these articles please quote the following: 'This article first appeared in The Sea, published by The Mission to Seafarers'.
Issue 197 Jan/Feb 2009
Helen Sampson, The modern day challenges to seafarers' health
Issue 196 Nov/Dec 2008
Mohab Abou-Elkawam, Seafarers' quest for better auditing regimes
Issue 195 Sep/Oct 2008
Victor Gekara, Are there jobs for all in the shipping industry?
Issue 194 Jul/Aug 2008
Mick Bloor, Fatalities at sea: the good and the bad news
Issue 193 May/Jun 2008
Neil Ellis, Why should seafarers care about what researchers do?
Issue 192 Mar/Apr 2008
Nick Bailey, Passing ships' information
Issue 191 Jan/Feb 2008
Helen Sampson, Speaking up for better on-board welfare
Issue 190 Nov/Dec 2007
David Walters, Managing the risks from hazardous chemicals
Issue 189 Sep/Oct 2007
Erol Kahveci, The maritime security code three years on
Issue 188 Jul/Aug 2007
Bin Wu, Welcoming the Year of the Pig with a Chinese crew
Issue 187 May/Jun 2007
Nicholas Bailey, Changing views - the world through a porthole
Issue 186 Mar/Apr 2007
Erol Kahveci, Reviewing seafarers' welfare at sea and ashore
Issue 185 Jan/Feb 2007
Neil Ellis, How to take some of the stress out of the job
Issue 184 Nov/Dec 2006
Helen Sampson, Why we should talk about swimming pools
Issue 183 Sep/Oct 2006
Jessica Bernfeld, Second registers have to be judged on their merits
Issue 182 Jul/Aug 2006
Syamantak Bhattacharya, How well does the safety code really work?
Issue 181 May/Jun 2006
Victor Gekara, Recruits in need of a better deal
Issue 180 Mar/Apr 2006
Lijun Tang, On-line support and help for seafarers' partners
Issue 179 Jan/Feb 2006
Helen Sampson, Learning at sea
Issue 178 Nov/Dec 2005
Nik Winchester, Spotting a fake is no simple matter
Issue 177 Sept/Oct 2005
Neil Ellis, Key concerns about safety at sea
Issue 176 Jul/Aug 2005
Michelle Thomas, Improving access to health care
Issue 175 May/Jun 2005
Nick Bailey, Understanding shipboard risk
Issue 174 Mar/Apr 2005
Bin Wu, Who's who in the world's cruiseship crews?
Issue 173 Jan/Feb 2005
Jaime Veiga, What sort of seafarers do we want?
Issue 172 Nov/Dec 2004
Neil Ellis, Fatigue: what's known and what's being done
Issue 171 Sep/Oct 2004
Erol Kahveci, Cargo handling by seafarers
Issue 170 Jul/Aug 2004
Michelle Thomas, All in a day's work for seafarers?
Issue 169 May/Jun 2004
Phil Belcher, If it works properly, the benefits of AIS could be huge
Issue 168 Mar/Apr 2004
Mick Bloor, Ramesh Datta, Port state control inspectors - the seafarer's friend?
Issue 167 Jan/Feb 2004
Helen Sampson, Global wage for global workers
Issue 166 Nov/Dec 2003
Minghua Zhao, China's shipboard commissars take on welfare role
Issue 165 Sep/Oct 2003
Nik Winchester, Flags must hoist a different standard
Issue 164 Jul/Aug 2003
Nick Bailey, The prudent mariner takes avoiding action
Issue 163 May/Jun 2003
Bernardo Obando-Rojas, Increasing your employment potential
Issue 162 Mar/Apr 2003
Bernardo Obando-Rojas, New jobs for seafarers in short supply
Issue 161 Jan/Feb 2003
Erol Kahveci, Chaplains join crews to take welfare services to sea
Issue 160 Nov/Dec 2002
Helen Sampson, Destructive obedience and the importance of seafarer training
Issue 159 Sept/Oct 2002
Mick Bloor, How can we crack down on the cowboys?
Issue 158 Jul/Aug 2002
Michelle Thomas, Home is the sailor, home from the sea ...
Issue 157 May/Jun 2002
Bin Wu, Seafarers: the first global villagers?
Issue 156 Mar/Apr 2002
Jaime Veiga, The vital question of shipping's image
Issue 155 Jan/Feb 2002
Erol Kahveci, Seafarers' families: the children speak
Issue 154 Nov/Dec 2001
Phil Belcher, Seafarers, scapegoats and word processors
Issue 153 Septl/Oct 2001
Minghua Zhao, Unity and diversity at sea
Issue 152 Jul/Aug 2001
Tony Lane, Invisible seafarers, hidden ports
Issue 151 May/June 2001
Nik Winchester, How the squeeze on standards enables small flags to flourish
Issue 150 Mar/Apr 2001
Tony Lane, Study looks at mixed nationality crews
Issue 149, Jan/Feb 2001
Mick Bloor, Is seafaring becoming a less risky occupation?
Issue 148, Nov/Dec 2000
Mick Bloor, No longer dying for a living?
Issue 147, Sept/Oct 2000
Helen Sampson and Michelle Thomas, Bunkers or ballast?
Issue 146, July/August 2000
Helen Sampson, The modern approach to leisure and recreation aboard merchant ships: do it yourself!
Issue 145, May/June 2000
Minghua Zhao, Women seafarers on cruise ships
Issue 144, Mar/Apr 2000
Erol Kahveci, Focusing on family life
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