Conference Papers Given in 2008

14-21 November. 'When Seafarers Do Not Use Condoms: An Analysis of Their Sexual Risk Behavior', 2° Seminario de Capacitacion, Region NCLA, Comité International del Bienestar para la Genter del Mar, Santos, State of Sao Paolo, Brazil. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

10-11 November. 'Welfare, Labour and Health Issues and Challenges of Global Seafarers: The Need for Immediate and Comprehensive Responses', Fourth International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA) Brazilian Conference, Vitória, State of Espiritu Santo, Brazil. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

3-8 August. 'A Qualitative Study on The Sexual Risk-Taking Behaviour of Seafarers; Globalization and AIDS: The Case of International Commercial Seafarers', XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

23-26 July. 'Working Away From Home: How Filipino Seafarers Manage Stress', 8th International Conference on Philippine Studies, Quezon City, Philippines. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

29 June-2 July. 'Asbestos Exposure and Diseases Among Shipbreakers: Whose Responsibility?; An Ethnographic Study on Sexual Risk-Taking Behaviour of Seafarers in The Context of AIDS', XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work,  Seoul, Korea. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

25-28 May. 'Global Patients, Global Doctors: Lessons from the Health System of the Maritime Industry', Geneva Forum Towards Global Access to Health, Geneva, Switzerland. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

18-22 May "Seafarers and Port Reception Facilities: The Usual Warm Welcome!" In: Wittig, W. and Prieser, C. eds. The Human Element at the Ship/Port Interface. Bremen:, pp 17-27. (Abou-Elkawam, M.)

'Framing Marine & Coastal Pollution : The Seafarers Case'. Presented at The British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2008 - Social Worlds Natural Worlds. Warwick University: BSA. (Abou-Elkawam, M.)

29 June-2 July. “An Ethnographic Study on Sexual Risk-Taking Behaviour of Seafarers in The Context of AIDS”. Presented at the XVIII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, ILO and International Social Security Association, Seoul, Korea. (Lucero-Prisno, E.)

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