Publications in 2008

Abou-Elkawam, M. (2008) ‘Seafarers and Port Reception Facilities: The Usual Warm Welcome!’ Wittig, W. and Prieser, C. eds. The Human Element at the Ship/Port Interface. Bremen:, pp. 17-27.

Abou-Elkawam, M. (2008) 'Seafarers' quest for better auditing regimes', The Sea, Issue 196, Nov/Dec.

Gekara, V. (2008) 'Globalisation, State Strategies and the Shipping Labour Market, The UK's to Declining Seafaring Skills', PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.

Gekara, V. (2008) 'Are there jobs for all in the shipping industry?', The Sea, Issue 195, Sep/Oct, p4.

Cardiff life